47. Now We're Only Falling Apart

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Okay here's a challenge! If we can get to 10k in votes by next Thursday I shall make next week a double upload! Good luck! 

Okay here's a challenge! If we can get to 10k in votes by next Thursday I shall make next week a double upload! Good luck! 

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Y/n, Steven and Pearl had just finished explaining the events of their discovery of Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond to Amethyst and Garnet.

"Let me get this straight. Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems, Steven's mom, was actually Pink Diamond?!" Amethyst asks in disbelief. 

"She faked her own shattering, and reformed to be Rose all the time." Y/n says.

"Pink Diamond's final command to me was that no one could know. But now that Y/n and Steven do, I can finally tell you all everything!" Pearl says.

"Phew! I mean, a pink lion, a pink sword, and now Pink Diamond?! Huh, if you told me Rose invented cotton candy, I'd believe it. Right, Garnet? Uh, Garnet?" Amethyst asks.

Garnet is shaking in her seat, as she slowly gets up and walks towards the Warp Pad.

"Rose... She... She...! Ughh... Ahh...!" Garnet struggles to stay together as a single tear drips from her eye, but suddenly she unfuses back into Ruby and Sapphire.

"Sapphire-" Ruby calls out.

"She lied to us! She lied about everything!" sapphire shout as she freezes the floor in her fury. "She held our hands, looked at us right in the eyes, and told us to never question who we are as Garnet. We never questioned ourselves, or her!"

"We couldn't have known!" Ruby says.

"No, you couldn't have known. You never know what's going on. That's what I'm for!" Sapphire shouts.

"Sapphire..." Ruby says.

"But I never looked into her, I trusted her... I let her make fools of us all! " Sapphire stomps off to the Warp Pad.

"Sapphire, wait!" Ruby cries out as she chases after Sapphire.

"Guys!" Steven tries to run after the pair, but slips and falls on the ice Sapphire caused.

"Please... We can just stay calm a-and talk about this, right? Let's just... talk." Ruby says looking at Ruby.

"Talk about what? How our relationship is based on a lie? What else is there to say..." Sapphire warps away and Ruby drops to her knees.

"Ruby, I am so sorry..." Pearl says.

"Come on, Pearl. Help me explain everything to Sapphire." Steven says.

"Right." Pearl nods and then she turns to Y/n. "Y/n? Are you mad as well?" Pearl asks him worried.

Y/n stops and thinks for a moment before slowly shaking his head. "No. While I can understand anyone else being furious or upset, I never knew her. Whether she was Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond in the end doesn't matter to me. I was never following her, I became a Crystal Gem because I reached that decision for myself." Y/n says honestly.

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