48. What's Your Problem

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So we got our goal of 10k in votes!! Thank you so much everyone!

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Me when I receive fan art for the story :3

Sapphire picks up the note and begins to read it.

"Sapphire, you were right. I need some time to think, so I am running away? Ruby." Sapphire reads out the letter. "This can't be happening." Sapphire starts crying. "Oh Ruby, I'm so sorry. You left before I can take back all the horrible things I said to you."

Pearl takes the letter off of Sapphire's hand and reads it as well.

"Well... Amethyst was with her, right? Maybe she knows she went." Pearl suggests. 

Electronic sounds are heard, and the group finds Amethyst playing video games on Steven's bed.

"Amethyst, have you seen Ruby?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, I've seen her. Huh, she asked me for a pen and paper a while ago. Why?" Amethyst asks

"Because, she ran away!" Pearl says and she shoves the letter in Amethyst's face. "Did you see where she went?"

"I don't know, maybe she'll come back. It's not my job to babysit her." Amethyst pauses the game. "Hey, Steven! Get over here, I need a Player Two!" Amethyst says.

"Hold on a second, Amethyst." Steven says.

 "Do you perhaps see her coming back in your future vision?" Y/n asks Sapphire.

"Oh? Oh! Maybe! But... She's so wonderful... and spontaneous! I have no idea what she could- Why would she be a cowboy?!" Sapphire sobs confused.

Sapphire clings to Y/n's legs and begins sobbing loudly. Pearl pats Sapphirer's head, kneels down to her level and holds Sapphire's hands.

"There, there. It's going to be okay. She's going to come back! She's got to come back! If she doesn't then... then, there would be no more Garnet. And... what on Earth would we do without Garnet?" Pearl says.

"Oh, Pearl! How will I ever get her back?!" Sapphire sobs.

Pearl embraces Sapphire, as Sapphire clings to Pearl's arm, visibly trembling.

"I- I don't know! You two are incredible together! It can't be over! It can't be!!" Pearl cries.

Both Pearl and Sapphire begin sobbing loudly together, while Amethyst and Y/n watch on uncomfortably.

"Uhh... Y/n I think one of those is your problem." Amethyst says referring to Pearl.

Y/n turns to Amethyst. "There is nothing I could do that will stop those two right now..." He sighs. "We need to find Ruby." 

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