61. Volleyball

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Happy 2021!

Steven is seen putting on a doctor outfit, as he begins speaking to a patient.

"So, how would you like your magical spit administered today?" Steven asks.

The patient is revealed to be one of Mayor Nanefua's Ruby bodyguards with a cracked gem, causing her neck to be extended.

"Ah, geez, uh... the not kissing one?" The Injured Ruby says.

"You got it!" Steven licks his palm and applies healing spit onto the Ruby's gem, healing the crack and her neck retracts back to normal.

"Man, what kind of enemies does the mayor have to keep you landing in my office?" Steven asks.

"That's classified information, nurse-citizen Universe." The Ruby says.

"Okay, well, try not to classify too hard out there. Oh, don't forget your lollipop." Steven hands the Ruby a lollipop.

"Yeah!" The Ruby chuckles quietly as she and another Ruby leave.

"Next patient, please." Steven calls out.

A bunch of Quartzes enters into the house, all with cracked gems and physical deformities.

"Uh... Volleyball must have gotten really wild, huh?" Steven says.

Steven heals the Quartzes and bids them farewell, walking out onto the porch. "Come again! Just, like, not too soon. And remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport!" Steven calls out and he turns to see Pink Pearl is now stood on the porch now.

"Excuse me?" Pink Pearl says.

"Oh, it's you!" Steven says surprised by Pink Pearl 

"I heard you might be able to help me with this." Pink Pearl points at her cracked eye.

Steven leads Pink Pearl into the house.

"You came to the right place. I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." Steven motions Pink Pearl to sit on a chair and licks his palm.

"Uh..." Pink Pearl says and looks at him.

"Oh, sorry. I-It's never not gross when I do this." Steven pats his palm onto Pink Pearl's gem and waits... as nothing happens.

"... Did it work?" Pink Pearl asks with a smile.

"Maybe if we try applying it directly to the injury?" Steven licks and pats his palm onto Pink Pearl's cracked eye, which again results in nothing. "Huh!? Is it me?" Steven runs over to a potted plant in the living room and plucks a leaf from it. He then taps on the stem with his healing spit, which results in a flower bouquet blooming. "It's super not me. Hmm... I'm sorry if it's a sore subject, but can you remember anything that happened while you were under White Diamond's control?"

"Nope! 8,000 years just, blip, gone!" Pink Pearl says.

"So, you must not remember getting this crack in the first place." Steven says.

"Oh, no, no. This is from before." Pink Pearl says.

"White hurt you before she controlled you?" Steven asks.

"What? Oh, stars! What a misunderstanding. This is all Pink Diamond." Pink Pearl explains.

"My mom?!" Steven tenses up, briefly turning pink, and Pink Pearl gasps in shock. Steven quickly notices and shakes. "Sorry! It's just baggage."

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