35. Storm In The Room

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Okay so there is an important question on my profile that could affect how they story possibly ends in regards to a certain person making an appearance or not. (Rose)  So please give me your feedback there :)  

Connie finishes packing her belongings in her bag, as she prepares to leave Steven's home.

"Thanks again for protecting Beach City while I was gone, Connie." Steven thanks Connie.

"No problem!" Connie replies and she salutes Steven. "And now that you're back from space, I officially relinquish control of your bed to you."

Steven salutes back. "Thank you for keeping it warm, sir."

Steven and Connie start laughing together.

"I hope your dad liked the new car wash sign!" Connie says as they both begin walking towards the door

"He loved it! I'm sure it'll look great when the Gems are done putting it up." Steven says.

"I hope they're back in time for me to say bye." Connie says.

"Uhh... It might be a while? You wouldn't believe how many of them it takes to screw in a lightbulb." Steven chuckles.

Connie opens the door and both her and Steven see Y/n walking up the stairs.

"Oh Y/n you're back." Steven says happily.

"Yes, Peridot and Lapis were becoming a bit too energetic for me today. Peridot mainly." Y/n admits with a tired smile.

"How do you live with them? I spent just a few days with them and they drove me crazy almost." Connie asks Y/n. 

Y/n chuckles a little. "Yes when you told us of what happened while we were away I wasn't surprised to hear they started arguing. But the truth is I like them and their company." Y/n looks out to the Ocean from the porch of the temple, Steven and Connie join him. "At first I was worried the two would burn the barn down but thankfully they quickly became friends. Doesn't stop them arguing sometimes though." Y/n smiles.

"What do they argue about?" Steven asks.

"It changes all the time. Sometimes they argue about Camp Pining Hearts, Other times they argue about Meep Morps. Sometimes they even argue about me which I don't quite understand why." Y/n sighs.

Connie and Steve quietly giggle knowing why.

"It's because they like you Y/n!" Steven says.

"Well I should hope so Steven, We live together after all." Y/n says not understanding Steven's meaning.

"I wonder where my mom is. She should've been here to pick me up by now." Connie says changing the subject.

Connie dials her phone and calls her mom. A voicemail message is heard. "You've reached Doctor Maheswaran. Please leave a message. And if you're one of my patients, you shouldn't have this number!"

"She's not answering." Connie says a little worried.

"Well, look on the bright side! Now we can hang out a little longer, I'm sure she'll show up eventually." Steven says.

"I don't want to impose, I mean, you must have a lot to think about after your space adventure. You almost lost your dad, and all that stuff about the Diamonds, and your mom? I'd understand if you need some space." Connie says.

Y/n thinks back to watching Blue and Yellow grieving over Pink and he feels conflicted again.

"Nah! The last thing I need right now is more space. Right Y/n?" Steven says bringing Y/n out of his thoughts and he nods.

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