29. Gem Harvest

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Steven knocked on the front door of the barn.

"Y/n! Peridot! Lapis! I'm here! Did you guys forget your favorite Steven was coming over to spend the night?" Steven calls out.

There is no answer from inside. Steven looks around and spots an alien mask ornament, with antlers on top and a rope hanging out of it, at the side of the barn.

"Aha! A door knocky thing! Eh!" Steven pulls on the rope, and the whole ornament falls apart. He then turns around and sees a corn field in front of the barn.

"Hey, that looks new." Steven begins to walk through the corn field while holding the alien mask and antlers horn.

"Y/n! Peridot, Lapis! I-I'm sorry I broke your door thingy! I wanted to fix it, but I don't know how it goes together! Makes a pretty neat mask though.!" Steven sees more rows of crops ahead. "Wow! Did I just die and go to the back of a cereal box?"

Steven steps forward, when sprinkler systems start up at his side. He screams in surprise, which catches Lapis' attention, who is activating the sprinkler systems with her water abilities.

"Hi, Steven!" She stops the sprinkler systems and flies over.

"Steven!" Peridot suddenly appears riding by on a tractor in the background. "I'm on a tractor!"

"Did I spray you by accident?" Lapis asks. 

"Just a little." Steven says and he shakes his head around to shrug off the water. "So where's Y/n?" Steven ask

Y/n is revealed to be planting pumpkin seeds by hand. 

"Oh he's around. So glad you could make it." Lapis says. 

"Steven! How do you like our little- "The tractor stops, causing Peridot to jolt a bit. "Ough! Experiment?"

"It's amazing. What made you want to start farming stuff all of a sudden? Steven asks.

Y/n finishes planting and makes his way over to the trio. 

"I have all the skills required for growing Gems. I figured, why not try growing something else?" Peridot says as she jumps off of the tractor. "Who knows? Maybe they're ready right now!"

Peridot pulls an ear of corn off a corn stalk.

"Hello, corn." Peridot says and she waits for a response. "Maybe she can't hear me in there?" Peridot examines the corn. "I MADE YOU IN MY IMAGE, YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!"

"Maybe she's deaf?" Y/n asks looking at the corn.

Steven begins chuckling. "Wait, you didn't think the corn was gonna walk right out of the ground when you told it to, did you? That's not how vegetables work."

Peridot and Lapis look at Steven in disappointment while Y/n seems to understand this now. 

"It's not? Well, then, what's the point of corn?" Peridot throws the corn on the ground in frustration. "I have to admit, I've really been starting to miss the pitter-patter of full-sized Gem soldiers..."

Y/n picks up the corn. "We still worked hard to grow these." 

"We did but It does get pretty quiet around here..." Lapis admits.

"Come on, Lapis. Let's go disassemble the tractor."

Lapis and Peridot leave sorrowfully to disassemble the tractor.

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