50. Made Of Honor

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To everyone who commented Howdy in last weeks chapter...

Now on with the story.

Steven drops a book titled "Dream Wedding" on the the table, in front of Ruby and Sapphire on the couch.

"This is just to give you some ideas. Ruby said she wanted your reunion as Garnet to be special." Steven tears up in joy. "And there's nothing more special and romantic, than a beautiful wedding!" He wipes his tears.

"It's like they say. If you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it." Ruby says.

"But, sweetums, who says that?" Sapphire giggles.

Steven flips through the book. "Let's take a look at printing styles for your invitations."

"Would it be cool if we got flames on it?" Ruby asks.

"Oh, and some dolphins!" Sapphire adds.

"Yeah! Dolphins with flames!" Ruby says.

"Do those exist?" Y/n asks confused.

"I think I got exactly what you're looking for on page 135." Steven says turn pages in the book.

"How long did it take you to put this together?" Sapphire asks.

"My entire life." Steven replies.

"This is gonna be the best wedding ever!" Ruby cries.

"Steven I have a question actually." Y/n says and three look at him. "What is a wedding exactly?"

"You don't know what a wedding is!?" Steven cries.

"Steven, Ruby and I as Garnet didn't learn what a wedding or marriage was for a few thousand years." Sapphire says.  

"Okay so let's start with what marriage is..." Steven says.

Y/n was sat on the couch looking very taken aback. "That's quite the commitment, I suppose in comparison it's like what Permant Fusion is to us Gems." Y/n says. 

"That's what makes this so special!" Steven says. "So is there an equivalent to a marriage back on Homeworld or is it just fusion?" Steven asks. 

"No Steven It's different on Homeworld relationships aren't limited to one person like here on Earth, Look at Fluorite for example she is a perma-fusion of 6 gems. Some Gems have multiple partners." Sapphire explains.

"So it's not frowned upon?" Y/n asks and Sapphire shakes her head. 

"Boy that must get complicated." Steven says.

"Well I think I understand this marriage business better now. I will fetch Peridot she can help us with these invitations you mentioned. Y/n says standing up. 

"I'll get the paper ready!" Steven says excitedly.

Y/n thinks about what Sapphire said about multiple partners as he walks to the bathroom he and Peridot have been living in with Pumpkin. Y/n opens the door to see Peridot sat in the tub on her tablet with Pumpkin resting on her stomach. 

"Peridot." Y/n says and she turns her head.

" Ah Y/n! You've returned." Peridot says happy to see him.

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