68. Fragments.

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Bismuth and Greg are seen trying to fix Greg's van after Steven crashed it during a roadtrip with his dad. Steven is watching them over the balcony, then heads back inside sitting on the couch.

"How could this happen? You crashed the van with Greg inside? You know how fragile he is, these pink outbursts of yours are getting out of hand." Pearl says.

"It's not an outburst!" Steven shouts and he turns pink and swells up.

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about! What's happening to you?" Pearl says worried.

"Nothing! ...It's nothing." Steven says as he gets up still glowing pink. 

"S-Steven! Where are you going?! We're not pro-" Pearl says but she hits Steven's generated force field. "Steven! Drop this wall!"

Steven gasps. "Pearl, sorry. I'm trying- I just..." Steven's dome dissipates. "need... some space, OK? I'll be in my room."

"Not so fast, my dude. You gotta tell us what's going on." Amethyst says.

"It looks like you are trying to avoid a serious discussion about this all together." Garnet adds.

"No! I'm NOT!!!" Steven shouts and he slams his fist into the stairs, unleashing a room-wrecking shockwave from his rage.

"Steven, you have got to calm down and talk to us!" Garnet says

"Just chill, man!" Amethyst adds.

"Nnghh... Steven growls agitated.

"We need to do something about this before someone gets hurt!" Pearl says.


"Don't let this power control you. You're better than this." Garnet says trying to get through to Steven.

"NNGGHH... LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Steven shouts and the Gems start moving in slow motion.

"Huh? I'm speeding up again. I gotta get out of here." Steven runs out of the temple as everything returns to its normal speed.

 The Gems come out of slow motion and can see Steven is gone much to their surprise, They don't have long to think however as the sound of the warp pad can be heard and they turn and watch at it as Y/n appears. Immediately he can see the damage in the temple and his brow furrows.

"What happened?" Y/n asks. 

The Gems look at each other and decide that Steven needed help and that Y/n could one of best Gems to get him to see sense.

"It's Steven... He's been having outbursts recently and began to glow Pink out of nowhere! We tried to talk to him about it but he got angry and fled." Pearl tires to explain. 

Y/n looks worried now. "We have to find him, immediately." 

"And that's why I can't go back." Steven says to a cloaked figure.

"So, what you're saying is; you're here- for a rematch?!" The figure rips off their cloak revealing themselves to be Jasper.

"What? No! I'm telling you why I'm out here in the first place. I think my diamond powers are coming out, I can't control them. I just need to be alone so I don't hurt anyone." Steven says.

"If you really wanted to be alone, you're doing it wrong." Jasper says annoyed

"But, Jasper! This is the last place anyone would look for me." Steven says.

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