59. It Was All Yellow

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Thank you everyone for the support on the new story it has been doing fantastic thanks to you all . So far 8 chapters have been completed for it with the latest one being over 17,500 words. So excited when that one finally gets released :) Thank you all once again :3 

Y/n was stood on the Little Homeworld warp pad having travelled from Homeworld. He had remembered that today was the day he had agreed to be a model in Vidalia's class for Blue Pearl. Y/n stepped off the warp pad now as he looked around at all the gems going about their new daily lives.  With a small smile at the peaceful community he slowly stepped off the warp pad now heading in the direction of the Vidalia's art class.

Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl were already waiting at Vidalia's class. 

"Hmm. Perhaps this was not the best idea." Yellow Pearl muses to herself. But she suddenly cries in surprise when she feels Vidalia's hand on her back. 

"What are you talking about Yellow P? Weren't you the one who came running back last week asking to model with Steven's friend?" Vidalia says with a teasing grin. 

"W-w-well yes I suppose I did. But what if Black Diamond does not like the idea?" Yellow Pearl says and then she suddenly gasps. "What if finds me undesirable to model with!" She says and holds her hands up in worry. 

"Hey Yellow you've been modelling in my class for a few weeks so far and you've been doing a great job at it so don't worry about it. I doubt he's going to say anything about the idea." Vidalia says and she waves her hand dismissing Yellow Pearl's nervousness.

"R-right." Yellow Pearl says and she composes herself. "So how do you humans usually model together?" She asks Vidalia. 

"Well I've got a few examples of poses models have tried in the past that we can quickly go over if you'd like. Blue P you wanna take a look as well?" Vidalia asks Blue Pearl who calmly nods her head. Vidalia takes out her phone and loads up an image. The two Pearls stand on either side of Vidalia as they look down at the phone and suddenly both Yellow and Pearl begin to have a bright blush on each of their cheeks. 

"Oh my..." Blue Pearl says surprised but intrigued.

"Oh Stars!" Yellow Pearl cries out in shock and bring a hand to her mouth. "Such intimate poses between models. We can't ask Black Diamond to pose so indecently!" She adds. 

"Relax you guys." Vidalia laughs. "It's just two models."

"But their hands are resting on each other in such... inappropriate places!" Yellow Pearl cries out.

Vidalia begins to laugh again. "He's only holding her hips! Trust me there is defiantly more private places he could touch." Vidalia says in a teasing seductive voice to Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl covers her mouth imagining it.

Yellow Pearl begins to back away until she feels her path blocked and she slowly turns around to see that it was Y/n and she quickly jumps at his presence.  "Ahh! Black Diamond. W-welcome." She begins to compose herself. 

Y/n looks down at Yellow Pearl with a small smile. "Hello Yellow Pearl I wasn't expecting to see you here today." He says calmly. Before Yellow Pearl can say anything though Vidalia quickly cuts her off.  

"Well well don't you clean up well ." Vidalia says examining Y/n all over. "You'll be a great second model." She comments as she walks around Y/n who tilts his head a little confused.

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