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I just want to quickly say thank you to everyone we just hit over 250,000 reads! :D I know you have all been waiting for this chapter for a long time so I won't delay any further. 

Steven is seen standing alone, half-dressed, in a dark room, as he begins to sing.

♪ Mom was a Diamond who invaded Earth,  Saw its beauty, and its worth.♪

♪ Mom made an army and she fought herself.  Did that even end up mattering when she faked her own shattering? ♪

Steven walks up to the bathroom sink, applies shaving cream on his face and shaves off the single facial hair on his chin.

♪ Mom lived in hiding by the name of Rose, ♪ With the friends she made and the form she chose. ♪ Now all that's left of her exists in me, ♪ and I think that we can all agree... ♪

Steven washes his face and glances down sadly at his gemstone, before buttoning up his shirt.

♪ That is a little bit upsetting. ♪ I'd rather think about... a wedding! ♪

Steven slides out of the bathroom happily into the Beach House, where Greg, and the Crystal Gems are preparing the wedding.

♪ Let's think about cake. Let's think about flowers. ♪ Let's think about dressing up and dancing around for hours. ♪ There's an awful lot of awful things we could be thinking of, ♪ But for just one day let's only think about love~ ♪

Just then, Sapphire, sitting on Steven's bed, covers her eye with her hands, as Ruby walks in with her hands covering her eyes too.

"Okay, Sapphire. I gotta get dressed for our big day now, so no peeking! And no future vision either!" Ruby says.

"Okay!" Sapphire giggles.

"Oh, Steven. I just wish I could've said some things sooner about Rose, and Pink." Pearl says sadly.

 ♪ We could think about lies, that we told in the past. ♪  Steven sings.

"They took it so hard." Pearl says.

♪ You could think about hurt feelings and how long they can last. ♪

"How can you move on?" Pearl asks.

♪ Or we could think about hope! ♪

"Hope?" Steven asks.

♪ You know I've been hoping! ♪

"About what?" Pearl asks.

♪ That everything's better now everything's out in the open!♪ Steven sings with a smile 

Steven places Pearl's top hat on her head and smiles at her then steps outside the house to find Bismuth on the porch, wearing a suit of armor.

"Bismuth, is that what you're wearing to the wedding?" Steven asks.

"It's the nicest thing I own." Bismuth says and she flexes, causing spikes to pop out of her shoulder plates.

"Lookin' Sharp!" Steven says then her begins to sing again.  ♪ We could think about flowers. We could think about cake. ♪ We could think about wonderful promises we have the power to make. ♪ There's an awful lot of awful things we could be thinkin' of. ♪ But for just one day, let's only think about love!~ ♪

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