44. Your Mother and Mine

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"Steven who is this Lars we are going to visit?" Y/n asks.

"Lars used to help Sadie run the Big Donut." Steven says and Y/n looks at him.

"He was the one who didn't get off the ship when I surrendered myself to Homeworld..." Steven says.

"Ahh the one who died and you revived?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah!" Steven says.

"Your telling me we're about to travel to Homeworld..." Y/n says.

"Oh no Lars and the off colours managed to escape! They even stole ship off a high ranking Emerald. Right now they are flying through space trying to reach the Earth. Connie and I actually visited Lars recently but things got complicated." Steven says.

"Complicated how? Wait you and Connie reconciled?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah we met at a Party and I apologised.  Uhh... We fought an Emerald but ended up crashing on a planet but it's okay Lars saved us!" Steven says. 

The Sun Incinerator is seen drifting through space, its thrusters flickering. Lars is sitting in the captain's chair and the Off Colors are at their respective stations.

"Captain's log. Star date, uh... Thursday. Space... is really big. Everything is messed up. Our nova thrusters are busted. And getting home is taking forever." Lars says mimicking a popular show back home. 

Rhodonite turns to Lars. "Hey, Captain? Should we be writing this down?"

"Uh, yeah!-" Lars says.

Suddenly, Steven emerges from Lars' hair with a sub sandwich.

"Who wants a party sub!?" Steven cries out.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" Rhodonite asks.

"You guys beat Emerald. And you rescued me and Connie from the Jungle Moon. And you have this super fast ship, so you'll be back on Earth in no time." Steven says.

"It's only super fast when it works!" Lars groans and  snatches the sandwich from Steven.

Fluorite begins emerging from the engine room. "Captain Lars... I've finished... rerouting..."

"Power from the gravity engine to the nova thrusters? Great! Twins, floor it on the thrusters!" Lars commands.

"Right away, Captain! Yes, Captain!" The Rutile Twins activate the nova thrusters and the ship begins to pick up speed briefly, when the thrusters falter and the ship's power goes out.

"Aww!..."Lars, Rhodonite, The Rutile Twins and Fluorite all say.

"Captain Lars, don't use the thrusters! We're going to lose power!" Padparadscha cries out.

"Thanks, Padparadscha." Lars says dejectedly.

"Hey... If we're going to be drifting a while, there's some people I'd like you all to meet." Steven says.

Lars looks at his hair and groans. " Are they bigger than that sandwich? He asks.

"Maybe a few pickles bigger." Steven says nervously. 

"Bigger than you?" Lars asks.

"I mean, they don't have to be." Steven replies.

"Fine. Bring 'em over." Lars sighs.

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