26. Bubbled

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So a little bit of bad new for you guys. From now on The Black Gem is going to go back to being one update a week as I need to slow down how fast I release chapters.I hope you can all understand this decision. The story won't be stopping in case you are worried. I just need more time to write future and give the story's artist more time to draw at the same time. 

Y/n strains as he finally pushes the door panel button and shuts the door to the outside. 

Sardonyx unfuses back into Pearl and Garnet. 

"Steven!" Pearl cries. 

"We have to do something but what!" Garnet says clearly on edge. 

"Y/n why didn't you like I don't know try poof that thing or grab Steven?!" Amethyst asks stressed. 

"I didn't get time to Amethyst!" Y/n says. 

"Argh!" Amethyst says frustrated and feeling helpless. Y/n looks to see Pearl slowly losing it, Garnet struggling to stay fused and Amethyst gripping her hair.

"Everyone!" Y/n shouts and gets their attention. "We have our mission. To bring Steven back home!" Y/n cries out determined. 

"But how Y/n?! Steven was blown out into Space!" Pearl cries out.

"That's how." Y/n points to the Rubies ship.

"We won't give up until we find him." Y/n says.

"I'm in! We gotta save him!" Amethyst quickly says on board with Y/n's plan. 

"But even if we have the ship there's no way Steven could have survived..." Garnet says clutching her head.

"What does your future vision say Garnet?" Y/n asks her and she looks at Y/n. "This is Steven were talking about. The boy who defies all odds! So let's find him and bring him home." Y/n says.

Garnet regains her composure and nods. "Thank you Y/n." She says and stands tall now. "Crystal Gems we have our mission. Let's bring Steven home!" 

Y/n can see the others all have a determined look on their face. "We're coming for you Steven."

Steven slowly opens his eyes with a ringing in his eyes. As he regains consciousness, he sees the Homeworld Rubies scattering in the distance.

"The Rubies? Huh? Whoa!" Steven says.

Steven soon finds himself inside his bubble shield twirling and floating through space at a drastically fast speed.

"Oh, geez! AAAHH!" Steven screams.

Steven's bubble collides with Eyeball, which slows him down.

" You!" Eyeball says.


Eyeball regains her balance and stands on top of the bubble. She and Steven watch as the Earth and Moon shrink away in distance.

"There goes the Earth..." Steven says.

"There goes my whole platoon!" Eyeball growls at Steven. "This is a mess! " She starts pacing around the bubble.  "What'll I say in my report? How will I even make my report? This is a nightmare! " She stops and glares at Steven. "And this is all your fault!"

"Whoa! Hey, no, it's not! You were trying to hurt my friends!" Steven defends himself.

"But you opened the airlock in the moon base! You sent us flying into space, with no hope of ever returning!" Eyeball counters.

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