58. Little Homeschool

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So shameless plug but I have started a new story and I'm going to leave a link to it here. 



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Steven is in his bathroom filling the bathtub full of warm water. He retrieves four Diamond Aura Bottles from the mirror cabinet, winking at himself in the mirror, and drips a drop from each bottle into the bathtub.

"Mwah!" Steven kisses his finger, coating it in his healing spit, and dips it into the water, turning it into rainbow-colored healing water. He then reaches for a bubbled gem next to him.

♪ Happy welcome-back day~ ♪ Steven sings and he places the bubble in the bathtub and it pops, dunking the gem into the water. The formerly-corrupted Gem begins to reform, revealing to be a Cherry Quartz. Startled by her own return, the Quartz stumbles in the bathtub.

"Hello!" Steven says.

"Where am I? Who are you?" The Cherry Quartz asks in a agitated and worried state.

"That used to be a loaded question, but now I can say with confidence that I'm Steven Universe! And you're in my bathroom." Steven says.

Cherry Quartz looks at herself in the mirror. "What happened to me?" She asks then gasps and grabs a plunger. "What is this?!" She points it at Steven in rage.

"You were corrupted in a Diamond blast, but you've just been healed! And that is a plunger..." Steven explains and lowers the plunger down.

Steven and Cherry Quartz walk out of the bathroom into his house.

"Let me fill you in on everything you've missed." Steven says.

"Missed?" The Cherry Quartz replies slightly worried.

Steven picks up two brochures off his kitchen counter. "We have some reading material, available in both English and Gem Glyph." He then hands the brochures to Cherry Quartz, titled "You & Your New Horns" and "Era 3 & Me!".

"Spanish translation forthcoming." Steven jokes.

Outside on the beach, the Dondai Supremo is parked on the sands, as Steven twirls the car keys on his finger. He proceeds to take the driver seat.

"Watch your head." Steven says.

The big-sized Cherry Quartz curls on the passenger seat. Steven inserts a cassette tape into the music player and begins driving the car.

"Life is a little different these days. The Diamonds have ended their reign of terror. The intergalactic war is over, and Earth is officially an independent planet. We're all safe to explore our dreams. Lars opened up his own pastry shop, and it's got a real cute space gimmick goin' on." Steven begins to tell the Cherry Quartz.

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