54. Together Alone

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For anyone who does not know I have set up a Patreon to help try fund some more artwork for the story. As I have said before it is not going to affect the story itself but it's an option for anyone who wants to help :) 


Steven is balancing on a bubble, juggling three smaller bubbles containing MC Bear-Bear, Chaaaaps, and his ukulele. A pink Pearl watches in amazement and claps for Steven. Steven jumps off the bubble and lands gracefully, blowing a kiss and smiling to Pink Pearl as she continues to clap. Just then, Yellow Diamond appears at the doorway and stares in anger, watching Pink Pearl getting Steven ready for the ball. She extends her neck in a comically way over to them, Pink Pearl does the Gem salute and Steven waves at her. Yellow Diamond smiles and leaves the room shortly. Steven glares at Pink Pearl for a moment, mocking Yellow, and they both start to laugh. Steven then starts coughing and a piece of Rose's hair comes out of his mouth onto his hand. The background turns black as Pink Pearl gets pulled away from Steven, and the bubble he was standing on pops. Steven looks up and sees White Diamond staring at him with a deranged smile. Steven continues to cough and throws up more of Rose's hair.

Steven wakes up abruptly in a cold sweat, back in reality.

"Steven? Are you okay?" Pearl asks.

"Yeah. I just had a really weird nightmare." Steven says and sits up.

"Pink's moving again!" The Pebbles call out.

The Pebble runs up to Connie, who begins to wake up too, while another Pebble uses Steven's phone nearby.

"Oh hey! Good morning." Connie says to Steven.

"It's something with four legs and a lot of cushions on top!" Amethyst says to the pebbles.

The Pebbles construct a couch-like piece of furniture in the room to Amethyst's specifications. Amethyst leaps onto it and gives a thumbs-up.

"The Pebbles have been working all night. What do you think?" Pearl asks

Steven looks and sees Pink's room is now filled with furniture constructed by the Pebbles.

"It almost feels like home." Steven says.

"Almost..." Garnet says.

Garnet stares out the balcony at White Diamond's bust ship in unrest.

Steven and Pearl were now having an audience with Yellow and Blue Diamond in the throne room.

"A ball? We haven't had a ball in 6,000 years." Yellow Diamond says.

"We haven't had Black or Pink in 6,000 years!" Blue Diamond reminds her.

"Yeah! And when Black and White Diamond show up, we can tell them why we need their help on Earth!" Steven says.

"And, this can also mark the beginning of Era 3." Blue Diamond says.

"You're right, it's brilliant." Yellow Diamond comments.

"Thank you, Yellow! Thank you, Blue!" Steven

"If both White and Black are going to be there, everything has to be perfect! Pink, can you manage this on your own? Our Pearls can help you get started." Blue Diamond says.

Blue Pearl warps into the room, doing the Gem salute.

"At your service, Pink Diamond." Blue Pearl says.

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