39. Stuck Together / The Trial

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So I've seen comments that people have been re-reading this story despite the fact were only just about half way into it 0_0  It really throws me off guard when I see comments like that as this story has grown massively beyond what I ever thought it would...Thank you all for your continued support.

"WHAT DO MEAN STEVEN WAS KIDNAPPED!?" Y/n shouts his anger surprising the others.

Pearl looks to the others before she carefully takes a step forward placing her hand on Y/n's shoulder. She looks up at him and can see the rage in his eyes. "Y/n, Steven gave himself up..."

"W..What?" Y/n asks still angry but his rage calms a little as it turns to confusion. He looks down at Pearl and composes himself before speaking. "Explain everything from the start."

After surrendering himself to the hands of Aquamarine, Steven is held in the hands of a Topaz.

"The Rose Quartz. Can you believe it? And she just handed herself in." Aquamarine says.

"That's right. You caught me. Galactic Criminal Rose Quartz. I love shattering Diamonds. I just want to shatter 'em all the time."  Steven says.

"You think shattering's bad? Wait till the Diamonds get their hands on you." Aquamarine says with a sinister tone.

"At least everyone else is safe." Steven sighs.

Just then, the other Topaz brings Lars up from the basement of the ship.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Lars grunts. "Steven!"

"What the- Lars?!" Steven says in shock.

"Oh! Looks like we got one of the humans anyway. Don't know what we'll do with just one of them, but I guess that's for the Diamonds to decide." Aquamarine shrugs.

"Wait! Aquamarine, the deal is off! You were only supposed to take me! No humans!" Steven says and he points at Lars. "That's a human!"

"Oh, no. Is Rosie upset 'cause her widdle "deal" didn't work? Look. I'm so moved, I'm crying." Aquamarine laughs tauntingly. "Just kidding. That's my gem. Topaz, what do you think? Should we let her friend go?"

The Topazes stand in silence.

"I agree." Aquamarine says and laughs. "Go on. Do your thing."

"Oh, no, no, no. Not again." Lars groans.

The Topazes begin to fuse together, merging Steven and Lars within their body.

"I'll go let the Diamonds know about our little prisoner. Say, Rose, how do I look? Aquamarine asks. 

"Awful, small, and mean!" Steven says back.

Aquamarine laughs. "Is that how you flattered so many Gems into joining your rebellion? How cute." She pulls Steven's cheek. "Topaz, I trust you'll still be able to fly the ship despite your... you know... additions? " She laughs and flies up to her seat.

Aquamarine's ship activates the gravity engine and begins to warp through space, as Topaz pilots the ship.

"Steven, this is all your fault. All this weird alien stuff- this is 'cause of you, isn't it?" Lars asks Steven.

"Yes, of course it is! That's why I turned myself in, to save all of you!" Steven stresses.

"Well, it didn't really work out too well, did it?" Lars says sarcastically. 

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