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"T-this is a d-date...r-right?"

I look at Travis as he was writing our names down on a list. Could see that we were about to enter a residence and there seemed to be needed permission to enter.

"It's a date. Did you see what was outside?" He asks me curiously, grinning at me when I shook my head no. "Good. Makes the surprise all the more surprising."

I raise my eyebrow when he took my hand in front of everyone. It made me wonder if he was just very confident or if the USA was more open than I thought.

He walked me outside the building, and I come upon so many flowers. It was a large backyard that was acres long of flowers! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen as I look up at him.

I saw him smiling down at me, causing me to blush. So he must've planned in advance because I didn't know there were things like this.

Now I was rushing forward through the flowers. Could see some people taking pictures with the flowers, some drawing them it seemed, while others were here with their significant others. Just like me...I'm here with someone I like.


I hear Travis say my name, causing me to look.

I saw the orchid in Travis' fingertips, and he extended it towards me. My face became warm as I stared at it. When I take the flower I liked the pure periwinkle color especially, grinning at him.

"T-thank you."

"You're welcome. I hope this doesn't bother you, you know...for picking random flowers from a field." Travis looked down awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone saw.

"It-it's fine. I - I don't think this i-is prohibited. J-just in case." I took the orchid, putting some of the stem in my pocket. The flower stuck out a bit so that it wasn't crushed. "I am...h-happy you brought me here."

I try to control my stuttering, stepping through the flowers some more. At this moment I look over my shoulder at Travis and see him inspecting a certain flower. My lips tighten into a straight line, staring at how handsome he was.

It made me wonder...why he liked me. Would his liking towards me change when we began to go to school?

That made me sad. I heard stories when I was in a China about how in America a lot of people tend to have meaningless...flings - was that the word? Where people tend to only date because it's convenient and it's just for fun.

I know that can happen everywhere, but I feel like it happens more here. I don't want my feelings to be...toyed with.

"Mimi?" I hear Travis' voice. When I look at him he looked concerned for me. As if he knew what was wrong.


"What's wrong? You can talk to me - remember that." Travis tells me, and I end up walking back from him.

He stops walking, frowning at me sadly.

"I...I d-do n-not w-w-want to...to b-be a f-fling." I whimper to him shyly, and his eyes soften on me. "I-I w-want you...t-to l-like m-me genuinely - l-like I do!"

My face became warmer, chewing my lips nervously. I wanted Travis to like me like how I liked him. In...China homosexuality is very hidden. It is kept on the down-low and not very publicized. Here...it seems more accepted and not as ostracized.

I already know my parents...are not accepting. They don't know I'm...gay, but still.

"I'm bisexual Mimi." Travis says casually, and I felt my eyes divert off of his. "I like both genders - I don't judge. I don't take much of a liking to...'flings'. I don't think I have ever had one. Mimi I like you, genuinely. This want I have festering inside my chest is for you. I wish you could believe me."

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