Chapter 7

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I was sitting in my Father's cabin with my Parents and Ryder. The air was tense. My eyes went back and forth between them.

"You said they killed 15 people. Who are 'they' here?" I asked.

"We don't know yet princess, but we intend to find out." My father stated with a grave expression. He was the most effected person with the death of pack members. He is the Alpha after all.

"Honey please! I don't think we should include her in this mess." My mother tried to stop him.

"She needs to know Rose. She is going to be the Luna queen. She has to share this load along with the King." My Mother sighed in defeat. My curiosity was killing me now.

"Tell me Father, please. Ryder say something."

"Your Father will explain you better, Luna. I think I should give you some privacy. I have to inform The King about this incident." Ryder then left the office.

"Let's start talking now." I waited for my father to explain me what is going on.

"Recently there have been many killings in some of the packs in a very odd manner. The dead bodies were found broken, in pieces. Yes broken, not torn. We found the frozen body parts. It's like someone froze them inside out and then broke their body.

The killings have been done in all those packs which are not under the King's protection. There is a total of twenty-three packs that are free from his rule. Nine packs have been attacked. The people from our pack who were killed were visiting one of these packs. This is the reason we signed the peace treaty with your mate. I think the only one who can protect us from these attacks is your mate."

When Dad explained this to me, chills ran down my spine and I could feel Goosebumps all over my body. I couldn't believe this. I've never heard anything like this before. My facial expressions displayed how terrified I was because of this new discovery.

"I'm so sorry honey. I know it's too much for you to take in. Why don't you go back to your room and take some rest. I'll bring your breakfast there and then we can have some mother-daughter quality time together." My Mother said while hugging me.

"Hey! What about my father-daughter quality time." My father pouted to which I burst out laughing and then they both joined me.

From the corner of my eyes I saw my father admiring the laughing face of my Mother. He looked at her with so much love and affection.

I wanted this. I've always dreamt of a relationship like this with my mate. I don't see it coming anytime soon. This made my laughter die and unshed tears formed in my eyes.

I have the living, breathing example of a true mate bond, them being my parents and here I am one unlucky girl. Within a day Alex made it clear that he does not want to be associated with me. My parents saw my mood dimming and they pulled me into their embrace. My father lightly kissed my forehead. At least there are people who love me.

Just by spending a day at the castle I realized how much my parents have spoiled me. How much my brothers cared for me. I still have to meet Ethan properly. Where the hell is Jonathan? I haven't seen Sasha either.

Oh God! I have to do so many things. I have to visit my favorite cherry blossom garden and have to say a proper good bye to the pack kids.

A knock on the door broke my train of thoughts and Ryder came in.

"The Alpha wants us back tomorrow at the castle." He informed us.

"But why? We are safe here. No one is going to harm us here. Please Ryder just a few more days. please, please!" I requested him.

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