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Billie's POV

"It sounds so dope!" I yelled holding the headphones "I know right?" Finneas smiled at me. Finally we finished "everything i wanted" and it sounds amazing, I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted the music clip to be. I wrote some ideas down while I was still working on the lyrics but one thing was for sure...(Y/n) gotta be in it. Hopefully she'll agree.

"Mhm...It's amazing like always, Billie. You have a talent." Brandon nodded "Thank you...Well I have some ideas for the clip already!" I enthusiastically bounced on the big, leather armchair in front of his glass table "So, since (Y/n) was the inspiration of this song i'd like for her to be in it." I said firmly trying to hide my fear of him saying no "Okay..."
"And my car, and the ocean. Oh and the Golden Bridge." Brandon laughed "Right..."
"You agree?!"
"Billie..." He sighed "Are you sure?"
"One thousand percent."
"Listen...I-Sorry about what I said back in 2019...I was a huge dick to you and to your girlfriend-"
"It's fine, bro. I was a stubborn brat too" I laughed it off. He was a pain in the ass back in the day but he's so much better now "So, if you want to, (Y/n) can be in the clip...So tell me, how do you want it to be?"

"Sounds good! I will call the crew and organize everything. When are you going to Hawaii?"
"We will go tomorrow!" I smiled poking my tongue out.
"You will be back next week, hm?"
I nodded and he thought for a bit "Well I'll try to organize myself so we can shoot it as soon as you come back."
"Fuck yeah!" I smiled widely.

I drove to (Y/n)'s apartment and I couldn't wait to ask her, we were cuddling like always, she was peacefully scrolling through her phone laid down on my lap.

"I gotta ask you something..."
(Y/n) looked up at me and placed her head on her hands "Hm?"
"You know that I love you very much, right?"
She giggled covering her mouth "Yeah, Bil. And I love you very much too." She gave me a cheeky grin. God I love her...
"And you know that you were the inspiration to 'everything i wanted', right?"
She nodded shyly.
"So...I'd like to ask you if...You want to uh...To be part of the video clip." I asked filled with hope and her eyes widened.
"Are you serious?"
(Y/n) frowned "Oh Bil...I'm not sure."
"It's okay if you don't want to-"
"Oh I want to! I just...I'm not an actress or anything, i'm scared I'll ruin the video."

She is too cute... She's worried she'll embarrass me? "Aw baby... You don't have to be a professional actress or anything, I just want you to be there, I want people to see you, to see how beautiful you are, and how you inspire me...You will never! Ever! Ruin anything, okay?" I held her hand giving her knuckles a kiss "Okay..." (Y/n) sighed "I will be a part of it."
I hugged her tightly "Thank you! I love you so much!" She giggled.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Billie bit her lip snaking her arms around my shoulder "You have no idea!" She giggled "You packed like what? Last week, didn't you?" I nodded "You did too, right?"
"Billie!" I slapped her chest "I told you to pack!"
"I got caught up with work!" She raised her hands in defense "How about you buy us some snacks while I pack, hm?" She kissed my cheek
"Sounds good!" I stood up only to be pulled down by Billie falling on her lap "But not now! We got time..." She said whispered teasingly. Well...She had a point. We got time...

"Okay, our flight is in...Fuck! Five hours!" She hurriedly got out of bed pulling the sheets to cover her body while I collected my clothes that were scattered around the floor "Shit!"
"Don't worry okay? I won't take too long to pack, how about we meet at the airport?"
I nodded pulling my hoodie over me head "Aight, what you want for snacks?" I jumped as  I felt Billie's arms around me
I laughed spinning around to kiss her.
"Dumbass. C'mon! Go pack!" I slapped her butt jokingly while she pulled up her baggy sweatpants "You kicking me out?!" Billie joked "Yeah!"

I drove to Target and started to grab some snacks being careful to read all the labels looking for vegans ones for Billie. I bought some makeup and couldn't help but buy Billie's merch too.
After paying for all of my stuff I drove back home.
"Right...All my stuff are there, the snacks are in the car...My charger is here, laptop is uhh- Right, backpack is here too...What else?" I muttered to myself trying to organize everything.
"Aight! Everything is here!"
I changed into more comfortable clothes and put my new 'Billie Eilish' hoodie I bought.

I took an Uber to the airport and waited for Billie at Starbucks.
"Hey." A girl kissed my cheek and sat in front of me.
"Uh? Hi?" Who the fuck is s- "Oh shit! Hi! Billie!" I laughed loudly.
"You didn't recognized me?!"
"I can barely see your face!" I snorted as she went again for a proper kiss which I gladly accepted.
"Bro...For real?" She dramatically sighed.
"The hoodie..." Billie snorted
"Yea!" I bit my lip and she shook her head jokingly disappointed.

The flight was smooth and we slept through it just fine. Billie got too comfortable around planes and airports since her first world tour.
We immediately grabbed our luggage and went straight to the hotel.
We got greeted by the typical "Aloha!" signs, flowers everywhere and hula girls painted on the walls.
We obviously took a nap as soon as we laid on the comfy bed and woke up to have some dinner.

"This place is so beautiful, Bil..." I looked around the restaurant.
"Mhm...Still not as beautiful as you." She held my chin and kissed my lips lightly making me blush.
Billie laughed "We should go to the pool tomorrow!" I smiled at the idea "Aw I really wanna go see the waterfalls!"
We chatted the whole night about our plans for tomorrow, I was beyond excited!

"Morning, pretty." Billie said holding a coffee tray with hawaiian flowers, two cups of coffee and couple of toasts "Billie! Thank you so much" I giggled placing the tray beside me and kissing her.
We are clingy as hell.
"You welcome," She grabbed her mug and sipped on the drink "i saw some pretty places we could visit, what you think bout that one?" She held her phone up showing a beautiful river "It's a canoe place uhh thing..." Billie explained "Ooh! I let's go!"

A/N: since im in fucking quarantine i'll be able to update more so yall wont be that bored
speaking of that, be safe please, stay inside, and wash your hands <3
i love you

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