Chapter 30

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Lucas O'Brein..

Lucas O'Brein..


Lucas O'Brein?!?!!?

That Lucas O'Brein?!?!

"Hello?  Earth to you? "

He waved his hand in front of my face that made me snapped back to reality.

"Eh?  Ah!  Ni.. Nice to meet you.  Uhm,  O'Brein-s.. Sama"

I can't help but stutter which made him frown.

"Eh? Are you feeling unwell Reinhart-san? "

He asked as he raised his hand trying to touch my forehead.  Unconsciously and clumsily, I avoided and realized it later.

"Ah!  My apologies. I am alright.  Thanks for the concern O'Brein-sama"

He raised his brows and tilted his head.

"Oh?  Truly? "

I quickly nodded my head and cleared my throat.

"Yes!  Uhm,  my!  Sorry but I shall leave you here O'Brein-sama ahh uhm,  I have to do something over there"

I hurriedly reasoned and left him without letting him reply.

Oi oi oi!!!!

Oh my gosh!

What the heckkkkkkk?!

That was Lucas O'Brein!

This Novel's Lucas O'Brein and the second male lead who fell crazily inlove with our female lead.

A very dangerous character~

Despite having such gentle appearance,  Lucas O'Brein is a child who grew up in a very screwed up family.  He was a bastard and a psychotic at that. 

A Yandere~

Well,  since O'Brein-sama was a child out of weedlock,  he often get bullied by his older sibling and also experienced bullying in Primary school.  He attended Delhi Academy during his Primary days and transferred at La'ssier Academy for Middle school.  He might not or he may not experience bullying in La'ssier but he was constantly shamed by his sibling at home and would act stranger when meeting him. 

Nikki,  our female lead who happened to helped O'Brein sama at a certain incident befriended him.  O'Brein-sama later on revealed his so called dirty and lowly background to Nikki-sama and thought he would be looked down by her.  However,  kind as she is,  Nikki-sama just answered him "Is that all?  Okay" and O'Brein-sama went "Huh?  You're not disgusted or something?" Nikki-sama frowned and late on laughed answering him "What? Am I that kind of person? Of course not!  I actually admire you~" and it goes like that.

And because of that O'Brein-sama who already like Nikki-sama fell for her even deeper which triggered his scary yandere side. 

Wanting to own her, imprisoning her to the point of abducting her,  fortunately O'Brein-sama was able to held back
However,  the unfortunate one was me.  After learning the bad deeds I've done towards Nikki-sama,  O'Brein sama held a grudge against me and when he found the chance,  he took revenge in behalf of Nikki-sama and that was by the means of those wanted persons who found me in that scary place. 

The supposed to be light and heart warming novel turned into terrifying one for the villainess,  which is me.

Uwaaaahhhh this won't do!!

Uwaaahhh Okaasama,  I'm sorry!!!

I shouldn't have joined this activity after all!!



The hike started and all I did was keeping my distance from O'Brein-sama even though he tried approaching me many times.

He might have noticed my strange behavior towards him that he stppped approaching me and kept the distance between us.

The day was long and tiring and as we went higher, my breath become more rigid and heavy.  My sweats falling down like raindrops and my clothes are now soaking weat.  Feeling very exhausted and weakened, I'm starting to feel my head getting  dizzy and my sights getting blurry. I paused and put my hand on my knees gasping for air.

But someone held my shoulder and handed a bottle of water. I looked up to see and it was him.

"O'Brein-sama.. I.. "

He smiled though I can tell that behind those gentle smile was a sad and dissapointed feeling. I felt guilty that I bit my lower lip.

"I don't know what I did to make Reinhart-san hate me but seeing how poor you situation is,  I just cannot stand by and look.  At least,  just at least,  take this"

He said as he handed me the water.  I lowered my gaze towards the bottle and sighed bitterly.

What happened in the novel was becuase of past me's deeds not because of O'Brein-sama.  Basically he shouldn't be blamed for something he isn't doing yet,  but here am I,  so fixated about the bad ending waiting for me that I overlooked the truth. 

Just like me,  O'Brein-sama was also raised lacking in familial love and shouldn't be blamed for his actions. 

So instead of constantly avoiding and dodging the possible outcome of this life of mine,  why not try to make a move and turn the situation and make it favorable for me? I already had the advantage, so what on earth I'm still looking for?

I sighed and smiled. 

I took the water from his hand and just like that,  O'Brein-sama was about to turn around to leave me but I suddenly grabned his hand.

"O'Brein-sama,  may we talk later? "

He looked at me confusedly but the moment he saw the genuine smile I'm wearing,  a sweet and very lovely smile was drawn on his face.


I nodded and let go of his hand.  I looked at his departing figure.

He's still too young however his back carries a very sad and discouraged vibe that doesn't fit him at all.  He's too young but he's facing stuffs he shouldn't be facing. He's too young but someone as old as me,  mentally, judged him and even tried to make him feel more unwanted.

I wanna slap myself for doing that earlier.

I wanna give myself a good beating for failing to analyze the situation.

I was too hooked up with having a good ending that I forgot how to treat a human with such painful past.

I felt bitter.

I felt guilty.

Such a kid, and he doesn't deserve the cruelty of this world.

I bit my lower lip trying to held back the tears wanting to fall from my eyes.

I'm sorry.. O'Brein-sama.


Author's: Please don't forget to comment and vote hehe ~♥~

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