Chapter 43

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It's been long since the first day of summer class happened and so far,  the 3 idiots are all well behaved.

I have them follow me wherever I go,  so in other words,  the 3 idiots became my followers keke! Well,  thats just a part of my plan of making them my friends,  you know~

Having only my girls ,  Maxwell-sama and Audenburgg-sama as my friends is actually a little boring.  I would love to have guy friends to whom I can show my barbaric,  and commoner side without getting afraid of being judged.  And they just fit the criteria for it.

It's not like I don't trust the girls as well as the others but, I don't think I just can.

Ugh I kinda feel wrong all of a sudden.

It seems like I have to use force to make someone my friend.


It isn't something to be proud of.

It's like blackmailing them to be my friends you know~

Together with the 3 idiots, I decided to visit a convenience store since it's our lunch break.  They were hesitant at first but when I told them I wanted to go to a convenience store, they unexpectedly agreed to it.


After buying what we want, we left the convenience store.  I have some cheap snacks stored in a plastic bag and an ice-cream on my vacant hand and so as the 3 idiots.

"Woah~ this taste great"

Kurt exclaimed amazed by the ice cream he was eating.

"Right? Told ya~" I answered for it was me who recommended the flavors. 

"This one's great too"

Luis who love sweets,  which I found out just now seeing how many sweets he bought,  exclaimed.

"Mine too! " Added Jeremy.

I smirked proudly and look at them.

"Of course!  It is recommended by the great me ne,  so there's no doubt about it hehe"

I answered them pridefully. They nodded their heads.

"Amazing Reinhart-san!  I didn't know you visit such place"

Said Kurt.

"And to think you know this much about ice creams" Luis added.

"Kuh~ You're the best,  Reinhart-san" Jeremy agreed.

I raised my brows.


Did they just praised me without them noticing?


I smirked.

This if fun uwu~



Weeks had past and my relationship with the 3 idiots flew into new heights. If before, they act all docile and scared around me,  now they unexpectedly become bold that I'm starting to doubt if the decision I made was right. 

It seems like I just add some troublesome brats on my circle.

However,  being with them is truly amazing that I didn't notice my rich ojousama mask slowly falling off of my face whenever I'm with them and acts like I was in my past life. 

"What should I buy~"

I said while humming while the 3 idiots followed me from behind.

"What about going to other store,  Bettina-san? "

Oh My, BETTINA-SAMA! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant