Chapter 63

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"Hmm?  My~ what about Mother and Father ne, Betti-chan? "

We are having our dinner at the moment and I just asked Okaasama about Grandfather and Grandmother.

"You see,  Okaasama~ Christmas is coming and I'm thinking of celebrating it with Grandfather and Grandmother? "

I asked innocently while silently hoping that she would agree to it. 

"Hmm~ What do you think, dear? " asked Okaasama. 

Otousama elegantly wiped his mouth with a white cloth and thought for a while..

"I don't think it's a bad idea."


This is it keke!

I wonder what does Grandfather and Grandmother like?  Are they also strict like Okaasama?  Or..

Let's see about it.

And so,  I excitedly packed my things because we're now going to Lirya Province where Grandfather and Grandmother are currently staying.  According to Okaasama,  that's the place where she came from and grew up. Lirya Province is a vast and rich province in the east and is surrounded by seas and mountains.

Though,  there have not much of a factory or whatever that produces too much hazard in the air at Renoa City,  the city we're currently living in and the Capital of Celis,  I still think about the fresh air and wonderful nature of a province. 

After a long travel,  I can now see the wonderful Lirya Province which is popular for it's rich natural resources and beautiful sights to see. 

Ahh the cold breeze of nature that slaps my face feels very amazing and soothing. If you ever been to Bern,  Switzerland or have seen some photo of it, Lirya Province was very close to such atmosphere and ambiance. The cold breeze with the fresh smell of mountains and seas.  The feeling is so refreshing that you can be able to forget your worries. Such soothing feeling that can wash away your worries.

Ahh this feeling's the best~

The car stopped in front of a classic and elegant mansion.  It looks like a historical ancestral house which was passed down to many generations already with it's classical Gothic architecture surrounded by varieties of flowers which can only be seen here in Lirya.  Before the main entrance of the mansion,  there stood a classic statue of a European priestess holding a book in her hand, below her was a pond filled with kois and what surrounds the pond was bunch of red roses that gives off an elegant and classic vibe.

On the left side of the mansion, there's a field of red roses and a carved path which seems to be leading towards a particular place.  Okaasama pulled me and Brent-chan towards the waiting couple.

My eyes landed on the figures waiting for us at the main door of the mansion with a stiff expression.


( ̄. ̄)

Did I..

Did I made a wrong decision?


"Mother,  Father.  We are here."

Okaasama greeted them so as Otousama and after exchanging few words of greetings, Okaasama introduced us.

"Good day to you, Grandfather and Grandmother. It's an honor to finally meet you.  I've been looking forward~"

I gracefully bend my body down to greet them. Brent-chan also greeted them.

After the greetings,  we all went inside and the old couple lead the way towards the dining area.

Contrary to my first impression, the couple actually has a very warm personality but was concealed by their strict appearances.

Oh My, BETTINA-SAMA! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz