Chapter 101

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Note: This is Emily's POV from the day she was confronted by Bettina when they destriy thr costumes

I gritted my teeth after being humiliated by that bitch Bettina.

She nay be from the House Reinhart but she had nothing other than her egotistic behavior.

"Are you sure you want to do it? "

My 'friend'asked me for nth time when I decided I would frame that Bettina for bullying.

I coldly rolled my eyes.

"What? You're scared? "

I asked her and smirked before continuing "You were a part of this plan from the very beginning and don't you dare turn you backs on me"

I treathened them before they could change their minds.

These insignificant ants are nothing but a mere chess piece for me to play.

So it did happened, I have made sure to distort the truth to my favor and even brought Erika Allunet with me.

That stupid president was too easy to sway. Seriously? How can someone like her became the President?

Just after doing some 'good' things and saying some nice words, that idiot of a president immediately attached herself to me.


But I didn't expect for that Haute Monde's bitches to show up and ruin my plans.

Also, the students who voiced their thoughts taking of Bettina's side.

So annoying!

Why is everyone so good to her?!

Because she's from Haute Monde or she's a Reinhart?

I don't think she deserve all of those.

She sure have it easy huh?

I was walking around the campus and was thinking of such things when I overheard a pair of voice talking.

"Common people's voices can sure take an Emperor down huh. That was quite the wise move Van."

I took a peek and saw Lomiere-sama together with Steffan-sama talking.

Though I would like to hear more but I can't bring myself to do it now.

However, no matter how much I try to put a strain on her name, I just can't seem to succeed at all.


Why must everything, everyone ruin my plans?

And that is why i set up Bettina and planned to threw all the blame on her in connection to that Alexa bitch's bullying.

However, that stupid bitch, after all the threat and warnings, chose to take sides with Bettina.

We were having our family dinner when our butler came with an invitation in his hands.

"That crest.."

I softly mumbled.

"Ohh? Is that from the House Reinhart?"

When I heard Mom's delighted voice, I stiffen.

No matter how I despise it, House Rienhart is House Reinhart after all.

One of the most prestigious houses in Celis.

And then dinner meeting with the House Reinhart happened.

Or should I say, with the only daughter of House Reinhart.

I was kicked out from the school for the reason that I cheated on the exam.

I was so desperate that the thought of returning the answer key to the teacher didn't even cross my mind.

Who could blame me?

I was feeling anxious from Bettina's threats and mom's nagging.

Ever since that day, the tea party event, no one ever tried to invite mom to any social events. As if we were totally kicked out from the social circle. Though dad was not directly affected, some of his investors withdrawn their deal when the news of us being in bad terms with the Reinharts came to light.

That Alexa bitch who's currently living as if nothing happened, I cannot even touch her because of Bettina and Dad's warning.

If we anger Bettina more, who know what she'll do to us the next time.

The student council president was also affected when I was caught.Who knew she was that stupid to take my side.


If you ask me about feeling guilty for her, heck no.

There's no way I will.

If I know, that stupid president also holds resentment towards Bettina.

She cannot hide that fact.

I am not naive.

I am not that stupid.

At least not at her level.

After I was kicked out of the LA'ssier, Mom and Dad decided to have me enrolled to Delhi.

But surprisingly and to our horror, no school in this country would like to accept me.

Be it it private or public.

I was strolling, feeling empty at the streets, when a car suddenly stopped in front of me.

The window slide opened and there the cold Lomiere-sama was sitting.
He threw me a cold glance and spoke only a few words.

"Congratulations on getting banned from Celis' schools"

I was dumbfounded.

I stutter as I asked him back.

"Was it your doing?"

Instead of getting the answer I wanted, the window slide closed as the car left me stupefied.

I went home and i got my confirmation from dad that he found out that the House Lomiere pulled some string to have me band from enrolling to any School in Celis for good.

My world crumbled after learning the news.

So it was Him afterall.

Bettina Reinhart was one thing..

But I totally forgot that one man who could literally threw a person out of this country.

And that man was...


Bettina Reinhart's.

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