ii. Pieces Solving A Puzzle

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✧·゚:CHAPTER TWO*:·゚✧


✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  0-8-4  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: 13th September 2013
location: the Bus, Classified

━━An 0-8-4 can be anything. As long as no one knows what it is, or where it came from, it was labelled under the 0-8-4 category. The mystery around it was what made it so exciting. They had no idea what it could be, what it did, where it came from━it was all up to them to try and figure it out! So, yes, Clara was excited. That and they were travelling to Peru!

Hobbling her way through the lab with Fitz and Simmons following her, Clara grinned at Skye who━with her bags and box of little bits and bobs from her van━made her way up the ramp. "Agent Coulson told us the news!" Clara greeted her, rushing towards her. "What a wonderful surprise! Isn't it, Fitz?"

"Yeah," he said. "Yeah, it's a surprise━"

"No, it's wonderful!" Jemma said instead. "You must be very excited!"

"Yep," Skye nodded, a little taken aback by their ramblings. "First day of school," she tried to joke past it as Fitz grabbed her box of things, grinning happily. Clara just rolled her eyes at him with a scoff.

"Okay!" Jemma clapped her hands together. "So, it's just..." trying to get to the staircase, she maneuvered past Skye with a quick, "Sorry. Yeah," before leading the way up. Fitz followed after Skye, the grin not leaving his face. Clara went up the stairs last, wanting to smack that smile right off.

Coming onto the main floor of the plane, Fitz began his explanation, "Officially, it's an Airborne Mobile Command Station, but we call it the Bus." He looked so excited, and if anyone was looking, they would see the jealousy all over Clara's face (that she would deny! She would never let Fitz have the satisfaction of knowing she fancied him). "We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know? Because of the danger."

"Fitz, you haven't been on the field," said Clara.

He turned to her, mouthing, shut up. She gaped at him, "Don't give me that look━"

"I'm not giving you any look━"

"Oh, please, you really think that's going to work━?"

"━Shut up━"

"━If you want to impress her lying isn't going to get you anywhere━"

"━Shut up━"

𝐓𝐇𝐘 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋,      leo fitzWhere stories live. Discover now