xi. Clara's Loyalty

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* the magical place *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: 3rd December 2013
location: The Bus, Classified

     ━━Agent Roy hasn't slept; not since Coulson's disappearance. It was hard to sleep, with her worry over what had happened to him, where he was━and not just that! The Bus was overrun with HQ operatives, including Victoria Hand. Roy never thought the Bus could be too small, but it was. She barely could squeeze herself towards her station in the lab to patch up Ward (who had not only opened his sutures but also broke his little finger) after their run in and capture of Vanchat in hopes he would lead them to Coulson.

    "It's rather impressive, actually," said Roy as she reached Ward's side, plopping down her tray of equipment with an annoyed clang! "You actually managed to reopen all of your stitches."

    In her annoyance━and exhaustion━she had a much better ability in ignoring the factor that Ward was sitting there, shirtless in front of her ... actually, maybe not. But Roy tried to ignore it, especially after Skye's declaration one night when they were talking in her bunk how Ward was most definitely sleeping with May. Now that she was told that, Roy couldn't help but see it. The glances they'd send each other when they thought no one was looking. Roy couldn't help but wonder ... was May a sort of angry sex person? She could certainly imagine it by the glares she'd send. But Ward━oh, dear ... Roy think she hovered the swab over his shot wound, cleaning the blood, a little too long as she thought ... oh, he'd definitely be the Bottom. But then again, if it was her and Ward (oh, gosh, that'd be the dream), he'd be the Top, without question.

    (Roy needs to stop. Like right now. It's never going to happen!)

    "Clara, you good there?" Ward's voice broke her out of her thoughts. She met his brown gaze and went a deep beetroot red. Quickly, Roy brought away the swab and got ready the next few things she needed.

    "S━sorry," she stammered, "just really tired. Um ... what were you saying?"

    He frowned at her, "I was saying that I just hope Vanchat can lead us to Centipede. You sure you're okay to be in the lab? You might need to go and get some rest."

     She chuckled, "Oh, no, I'm perfectly fine━" just as she did so, she stumbled over some of her bandages. Roy's chuckles turned nervous. "I've done plenty of exams after all-nighters without any caffine, I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me ... you on the other hand ... now, what am I looking for?" her brows furrowed as she glanced over her tray. "Antibiotic cream ... cream ... cream ..."

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