xxvii. Potential To Become More

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* what they become *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: March 30th, 2015
location: Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

    ━━The Bus met up with them bearing terrible news. HYDRA had Raina and Skye, and the one who came down to grab them was the very person Clara had been hoping she'd never have to see again. Grant Ward had Skye in his grasps once again, and this knowledge made Roy frown. He had told her that he planned on fulfilling his promise to Skye before helping her ... Roy knew this would happen. She knew this would happen. She could've stopped it. She should have told Coulson ... Hurrying up the cargo ramp and into the large plane, Roy was a mix of emotions; like a child splattered paint on a blank canvas and called it done━that's how she felt right now. Ward has Skye again, and it might've been her fault. She had seen Mack die━he had fallen to his death. She had heard the thump of at least one hundred feet that surely would have cracked his spine at the very least.

    "Let me know as soon as you can get us down into the tunnels safely," Coulson told Fitz, Roy and Simmons, and they all nodded.

    Before Roy could pass, however, Coulson held her back with a gentle grip of her arm. Meeting his gaze, she saw the softness in them that he had always held back when her father had died. "We'll find her, and we'll find Ward, okay? I promise."

    "I know..." Clara murmured, not sure on what else to say before following after Fitz and Simmons.

    Heading up the stairs, Roy caught a glimpse of the conversation between May and Coulson back down in the cargo hold: "Whitehall's demand was for Raina. He said nothing about Skye."

    "So Ward called an audible when he saw her on the plane."

    "Or had his own agenda the whole time. He told Skye he was keeping his promise. He had asked for Clara, wondering where she was."

    Roy calmed her breathing and continued on. She couldn't focus on Ward at the moment. Skye can handle herself perfectly fine. She couldn't worry about what he had said about her father, or mother━Dearest Clarissano. She had to worry about finding a way to get back down and hopefully save Mack. She was sure he was still alive. Maybe it was her hoping for far too much. But they don't know what they're dealing with here. Alien biology has infinite possibilities.

    Fitz, Roy and Smmons all made their way to the Cage to discuss possible ways of getting down the shaft without being affected by whatever had affected Mack. Roy paced the room, finding that doing something always helped her think. Simmons watched her walk around with her own thoughtful frown on her face. Fitz tapped his fingers against the table, trying hard not to think about Mack and instead focus on what was right before them━the problem is, he has trouble focusing at the moment.

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