xl. Awkward Beginnings

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* a wanted (inhu)man *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: November 30th, 2015
location: The Playground, Classified

━━Clara just felt pain; a burn in her heart, running to her fingers and limbs and to her head. She didn't know whether the pain was real, or every suppressed memory and grief returning to the surface, but she used it. She looked up and saw her mother stare at her, surprised as she began to stand. Clara took a deep breath, and glared at Launa. "No," she told her. "Stop it."

Her mother faltered, and the voice of her angelic singing fell away. Clara took this chance to grab her hand that had been outstretched towards her, and the pain grew. All of her anger, betrayal, despair and desperation━the feeling of lonliness, of drowning in a sea of emotions she could never control, that sometimes consumed her with its chaos━all of it into one, single point of heat. Clara didn't know what she was doing, but she didn't want to heal her mother. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and the pain grew so much that she started to scream━or maybe it was the anguish finally coming out. Her mother gasped out a, "No━" and Roy's vision was clouded in a blast of golden-bronze light━

Eyes snapping open, Roy's hands reached up to the searing headache that pounded against her forehead. For a moment, she thought she was still there, in the corridors of the Illiad until she recognised the feeling of her bed in her bunk back at the Playground. She sighed and relaxed, but her mind━it was on overdrive.

She dreamt about what she did to her mother all the time, wondering whether it had been right, to put her through what she put Leith and Clara through. Had it been the right thing to do? Or did it make her just like her, or even worse? Roy didn't want to be like her mother, that was for sure, but she had a feeling that she was more like her than she realised.

But that dream was different. She didn't remember the screams, or the golden light━that was new, and she had a feeling it had to do with what happened when she and Fitz had brought Jemma back from the alien planet.

Clara had no idea what had happened; what that light was. It was the same one that flooded her fingers when she healed someone━but she hadn't tried to heal Jemma. All she remembered was feeling pain, and desperation to have her back and then, it was like she did have her back, and then ... everything had exploded.

She wondered whether she had imagined it, because Fitz had said nothing, and neither had Simmons (not that she said much recently). Roy wouldn't put it past herself to imagine something, but it had felt so real. She wanted to tell someone about it━maybe Leith, but she was scared, because what if it hadn't been real? Fitz would have said something, surely━he would never leave something so scientifically astonishing to be forgotten ... and so, Clara didn't say anything, even if she had a feeling deep down that it had happened━and it scared her.

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