iv. Second Chances

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  eye-spy  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: 1st October 2013
location: Stockholm, Sweden

━━"Did you know that around fifty-two per cent of the energy in Sweden is renewable?" Agent Roy looked up from her work in the lab to look over at Fitz with her random array of facts. It was her thing━sort of. Clara Roy just had a wonderful memory. It helped her get two PhD's by the time she was sixteen but also helped her remember some of the strangest things. He sent her a look over the table.

"Yes, Roy, I do," he replied, picking out the dendrotoxin bullets for Ward who stood awkwardly in between them. "You've been talking about it for the last ten minutes."

Roy grinned as she passed Ward, reaching up to give him an excited tap on his shoulders. At the touch, Ward flinched, annoyed. "But we're going to Sweden! How exciting is that?! I always wanted to go to Sweden."

"You've said that about every place we've been so far," Fitz rolled his eyes, watching her come to a stance next to him. She picked up the gun, cocking it and he snatched it out of her hands. Roy scoffed. "You said it about Peru, about Malta, about━"

"Yeah, but this is Sweden!" Roy turned back to Ward. "Have you been to Sweden, Ward?" she gasped, excited. "Have you been there on a secret classified undercover mission?"

"I would tell you, Roy," Ward spoke up, taking the singular bullet Fitz held out for him. "But that's classified."

Roy turned to Fitz, her mouth agape. She mouthed to him, that's so hot. He let out a groan in disgust. Simmons walked into the lab, her glasses on and a packet of new cell dishes that she had grabbed from Storage-Two. "Hello!" she greeted Ward happily, before moving onto her work.

Agent Ward held up the small blue bullet in the light. Roy watched him examine their work, her fingers to her mouth, hoping he'd like it. "I only get one shot," he told them. "And it has to knock a person back as well as out."

"Which is why we're perfecting this little beauty," Fitz showed him the smaller version of the Night-Night Gun. "Forty-five caliber cartridges, semi-automatic, each mag━" he cocked the magazine into the gun, "━contains eight therapeutic rounds of dendrotoxin."

"In case you miss!" Simmons piped up, and Ward glanced back with a look that said, are you serious? She wiltered slightly, "Or have multiple assailants."

Ward arched a brow. Turning back, he reached out for the gun, but Fitz held it close to his chest like it was his pride and joy, walking away, "We're gonna have this new Night-Night Pistol working in no time. Okay?"

𝐓𝐇𝐘 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋,      leo fitzWhere stories live. Discover now