#1 * Bright And Early

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At the top of the stairs Athena appeared. She stretched out and yawned. The only thing she was wearing some pj shorts and an overzised shirt.

While coming down the stairs the wisdom goddess rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She walked straight to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of nectar.

"Morning Athena." The voice of Hermes greets her as he passes through with some mail.

"Morning brother." Athena says.

Hermes joins the other Olympians who are all already awake. All except one...

The next one to appear at the top of the stairs is a grumpy Artemis.

With a frown she stomps down the stairs into the kitchen where she meets her sister who is enjoying her nectar.

"Can you please for once keep it quiet." The goddess of the hunt grumbles.

"Some of us actually try to sleep during the night.."

Athena almost spits out the nectar in her mouth.

The last one to appear at the top of the stairs is Nike. She kind of hobbles down the stairs. As if her entire body is soar.

The other Olympians raise a brow as she passes the living room into the kitchen. They also share a confused look. Especially at Athena's reaction to Artemis' words.

"Morning Artemis." Nike nods at her.

Artemis just grumbles.

"And another thing. Why in Tartarus is your name always being screamed from your room? Is that you?"

The innocence of the goddess of the hunt is simply adorable. Nike starts blushing furiously and Athena gets a smug smirk on her face. She shares a knowing glance with Nike.

"Dear sister, why would I scream my own name?" The wisdom goddess asks.

She bumps her hip against her girlfriend, who is all of a sudden very interested in the ambrosia she's cutting into slices for her breakfast.

With that same smirk Athena enters the living room and sits down on the couch summoning a book.

It seems very quiet in the room and everyone present looks at the wisdom goddess. Athena herself is well aware everyone heard her and ignores them.

She has to admit, she kind of likes how dumbfounded they are.

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