Chapter 12 - Songs and Compliments (Edited)

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I watched him as he took one of the framed pictures in the fireplace. I had earlier gone to the kitchen area to get him a bottle of water and I hid one of the pillars, I watched him as he smiled at a pictured of me when I was little.

"Carino" (cute) I heard him whisper.

"Grazie" (Thanks) I replied which made him flinch a little.

"Oh i-i was just..." he said dropping the picture and taking a few steps back and looking away.

"It's okay" I said with a small smile as I handed him his water.

"I-I brought my books with me so that you can- catch-up with most of the things we did in school today" he said with a slight stutter as he took his bag in hand.

"Thanks, but why?" I asked

"I...don't understand..." he said looking up from his bag to me revealing his ocean blue eyes.

"I mean... why are you being nice to me? cause I don't really understand your recent mood swings, sometimes you're free with me nice and all and then you get cold with me, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

There was a few seconds of silence everywhere that felt like forever until he said something that I never expected to hear.

"I'm sorry" he said looking down.

He was about to say something before my dad came downstairs and with that our discussion ended for the time.

"Good Afternoon Sir" he greeted as they shook hands and exchanged a few pleasantries.

I've never really seen my Dad this free with someone who's outside his circle, I'm surprised to be honest.


"I see that you have an interest in software engineering and architectural design too that is very great, I will not fully conclude now till I see the out come of tomorrow's meeting"

"Yes sir, Thank you sir"

"Well... now I'll be taking my leave for the airport... oh and one more thing..." my dad says as he was about to leave.
    "...keep an eye on him for me" he said before shaking hands with Marc and leaving which made my cheeks red as a small smile made its way to my lips before it faded away almost immediately.

"I'm gonna head back home now but, I'll be back later if it's okay with you" he said as he brought out a few books and dropped them on the table.

"Yeah, sure"

"I'll leave these here, by the time I come back you should be done with them" he said as he made his way to leave.

"Okay, thanks.... how about I drop you off?" I asked causing him to stop what he was doing and looked at me.

"No thanks, but I can-"

"Yes I insist, besides we're going to be together for a while... and your house must be pretty far... I think" I said scratching the back of my head.

(Yup, TOGETHER indeed ╹◡╹)

Ignoring the voice in my head I waited patiently for my answer.



It was a quiet drive at first but then I decided to turn on the radio and luckily one of my favorite songs was being played on the radio 'SOMEBODY TO YOU' - THE VAMPS.

He looked at me for the first time in 3 minutes as he had been looking out the window.

"You've like it?" I asked as I saw the twinkle in his eyes.

Yeah... You!

"Yeah, I do" he replies with a little smile.

"I used to wanna be, living like it's only me, but now I spend my time thinkin' bout a way to get you off my mind...."

I nudged him a little with a persuading smile for him to continue the next verse, he hesitated a little bit and finally gave in. That's how we sang the whole song together each taking different verses and singing the chorus together.

"You have a nice voice... one could say you have an angel's voice" I said and he turned his face now looking out the window once again and says a "Thank you". I knew he was blushing.

"I'll be stopping over there" he said pointing at a tree.

"Am I not gonna get at least a compliment back?" I said pulling over.

"Thanks for the ride, You're cool" he said shutting the door behind him and running off into a building.

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