Chapter 27 - Cold Days (Edited)

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Do you ever get that feeling that something has gone wrong and you don't know what it is but you need to fix it... and you can't because you don't know what to do?

That's how I feel right now.

It's been nearly a week now and I've rarely seen Marc in school, I only catch a glimpse of him and the next he's gone, it's like he's a spirit one moment he's there and the next he's gone, even in class he has moved his seat forward, even when we had eye contact he would quickly look away like it's forbidden to look at me. I've tried texting him but all I've received in response is being left on read. At least he hasn't blocked me, yet.

Marc has been avoiding me in any way possible.

I don't know why it's been bothering me so much lately, maybe it's because of the warmth my heart receives whenever he smiles, the butterflies I get when we're together, or the electricity that runs through my veins whenever we make contact even as little as brushing our shoulders. Many thoughts ran through my head I don't know why I've been having these feelings towards Marc, I've never felt this way towards a boy before, I don't know what's happening to me maybe... just maybe... I think I like Marc, maybe I'm just being delusional, I have never liked a boy before, Marc doesn't even like me that way, even if he did I would never know.

Though it was hard at first for me to get through him, I admit I was kind of a dick at first when we met, but we had something going, or so, I like to think.

Whenever I look into his eyes, I see something hidden, those are the eyes of someone that has been hurt but has kept on being strong, having faith that better days will come. I guess that's part of the reason I find myself attracted to him, I want to make him happy, I want to be there for him, I wish he could tell me his worries but after what happened on Saturday, I feel like I'm included in a bigger part of his worries.

"Hey dumbass" Bryan voice echoed though my room.

I flinched as his voice brought my mind back to reality and turned around on my bed to face him. He raised a brow at me as he leaned on my doorframe.

I roll my eyes at him before replying,

"I'm not a dumbass, you are" I said still lying on my bed.

He ignored my retort and continued.

"What's up with you, I've been standing here watching you for two minutes staring at nothing, you're feeling a bit blue today, is everything alright?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Bryan is like my best friend though he is older than me but we still get along very well even now that he has gotten into the university it still hasn't changed a thing.

The same insults thrown here and there, the same brother that gave me advice, also that pulled pranks on me, the one that took Emily, Marcy, Dylan and I on a road trip that we almost got lost in because he has a memory that captures and stores what he's seen in a map, yep, that's Bryan. Nothing has changed.

"Nothing" I say sulking deeper into the warmth of my bed and its pillows.

"Hmm that's not what your actions say" he said taking a seat on one of the furry bin bags and making himself comfortable, which made me suddenly have the urge to actually sit on one of those soft and cozy bin bags, but my bed and pillows won already.

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