Alternate Chapter 30

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Everything you see in this Ch 30 (including the author's note) is an original and have not been tampered with (since I wrote it in 2022) which I had written but put in the drafts and wrote a new one that gave birth to the rest of the story as we see today.


Please Note: The following chapter contains Actions of Violence/Verbal outbursts that may not be suitable for all readers.

Another ordinary day at HARVANI HIGH or so it used to be for me as I was just an ordinary guy with his two best friends alongside him but ever since paparazzi pictures of Daniel and I went viral across Instagram and Twitter a week ago I've been getting some jealous looks from other people especially from the other rich kids.

"Just ignore them Marco" Jake said to me as he learned on his locker which was next to mine that was opened.

I sighed in response as I got the last of my books I needed for my next class and just then someone shoved me forcefully with his shoulder which made me almost loose balance and to drop a few books.

"Hey! watch were you're going" I yelled at the person who was just a few feet away from where we stood.

"Oh I see that gold digger boy got some nerves now, don't he?" Tyler Haynes said turning around to face me.

"Tyler! mind what you say to my friend" Jake said in an angry tone and I immediately placed a hand on his shoulder which he calmed down to a little. I do not want a fight to happen between Jake and Tyler because An Angry Jake is a Dangerous Jake.

The hallway almost went quiet as some of the students that saw what happened started coming closer and others who were inquisitive joined the now growing crowd.

"Hey what's your problem?" Addison said from behind me stepping forward but I raised my left hand to stop her midway.

"What did you call me?" I said In a cold tone which was unexpected by him as I noticed he flinched a little but still managed to keep his composure as he was one of the populars.

"A fucking gold digger, that's what you are" he repeated with a smirk and a few oohh's could be heard as the hallway had become quieter and a few of his minions were laughing.

"Says the guy who has no atom of purpose in life but to go around sleeping with girls" I retorted getting a little bit angrier.

"At least I get them to do what I want. If you had money you would understand" he replied in a mocking tone which made me get angrier and I started walking towards him.

"Marc stop" Jake said from behind

"He's not worth it" Addison said alongside Jake

"You better listen to your shitty friends, I don't think your family will afford to bail you if you try anything stupid" He said as his smile increased... he was having fun seeing me this way.

"Leave my friends and family out of this... Daddy's boy" i retorted back as I felt my blood boil

"At least I'm someone's boy, my Dad would rather have me than anyone from your pitiful family" he said which made another set of oohh's go around.

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