Final Author's Note: (A MUST READ) p.s. it's a bit long but worth it

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I am sincerely ever so grateful to every single one of you, both past readers who followed me from the beginning to the end and those who will find this book interesting and decide to read it in the future.

I can't thank you enough for everything as there are no words to express my feelings of gratitude to you at this time.

To everyone of you who voted, commented, shared and added this book to your reading list(s), Thank you for giving my book a chance and for the encouragement I've received from every single one of you that has kept me going from the very first chapter even to the last.

Every vote you ever gave a chapter, comments you left even on my conversation board in my profile, sharing with your community, adding to your reading list(s) and sending a DM with words of encouragement... every single one of those actions which seem little are highly appreciated and valued. They may look small but together they're indeed mighty.

I started this book in the last quarter of 2020 and it's been over 2 years now. I know it's seems like a long time and I know it is but I was busy with school and stuff including unforeseen circumstances that prolonged the writing process. Thankfully all that is over and I've graduated from high school and no I don't miss it one bit.

I do not regret the time taken to complete this book because I started writing the very first chapter at age 15., Which you can tell from chapter 1 with the way it's written. During this time I have used it to read other books by amazing authors here on Wattpad to improve on my writing style - which you'll notice has improved very much with each new chapter written, encourage myself and get one or two ideas for this book.

I actually started this book as a joke with no thoughts of writing past chapter 20 - typical short enemies to lovers book as seen in earlier chapters - and with at least 50 total reads.

Today that has changed all thanks to you guys, this book has over 60 chapters and currently 50k reads which I never expected. You guys definitely surprised me.

I want to specially thank
for your kind comments in the chapters and your words of encouragement, I really appreciate that. Hopefully someday in real life or virtually we'll get to bake something even if you don't like sweets.

Thank you VorduJalan   for pointing out those typographical errors and bringing autocorrect to justice with your sword of justice... your comments, which are always accompanied with humor.

You've probably noticed how I joke about this book being a Netflix series but deep down I hope it will be someday hopefully soon. Editing and correction of typographical errors among other little things will start immediately so that this book will be ready for submission to Wattpad so hopefully they can pick it for a series on Netflix and fingers crossed and high hopes I pray they do.

I know there are so many scenes, lines, events, dialogues and even suspenses I know you guys really want to hunt me down for which looks suspicious and foreshadowing something to come but trust me when I say they're there for a reason. The answers to those questions may not come as quickly but they will eventually with time and an exercise of patience.

If you never noticed, I just left another clue of something just like I've been doing right from chapter 1 but it seems no one has noticed any of them even if they're in plain sight and scattered in every chapter.

If you think you found one let me know in the comments. I'd like to read your theories and maybe I'll get inspired from them. Just surprise me.

Finally before I end this...

I had earlier asked for you to ask questions about the book, directed to or about a character, events, scenes and even to me the author.
You can ask your questions here too.

I have only gotten a very small number so far but when there's more the next chapter in this book will be based on a Q & A

that doesn't mean you should put this book in your archives just yet :)

Once again I am forever grateful to every single one of you and finally, I want to say a big THANK TOU ❤️

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