Chapter 19 - The Ex Is Coming Back (Edited)

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I walked through the halls of HARVANI HIGH with so many eyes on me than usual. Before I would happily let this go to my head knowing fully well that they were paparazzi photos of me trending on Instagram and Twitter but this time around... things felt quite different... something is changing me... or someone is changing me... Marc.

"Hey bro" Gabe called out to me as he slung an arm around me.

Over the past week I had gotten some form of popularity, tho I tried to keep it lowkey but now I've got like 5-10 people following me around in school... even when I do not need them to but hey what'd you know? having millions of followers on your socials gives you away easily... hmmmph perks of being popular.

"Hey, Howdy?" I asked as we took a turn in the hallway.

"Well you know, the usual, girls, parties and stuff, oh and did you hear Natalie Mann will be joining us from tomorrow" he said as we approached our first class for the day.

"No way" I said in disbelief as I walked up to my seat which was right next to Marc's also I just realized I haven't seen him, Allison or Jake since this morning.

"Yeah, No way!" Gabriel said in excitement, he clearly did not understand the meaning of the 'No Way' I had said.

"Her dad works at Apple and-"

"She's a Teen Vogue model yeah yeah I know" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you don't sound so excited" he said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Mm yeah... let's just say we go way back, I've met her a couple of times before, in the past" I said trying to change the topic of my ex.

"Mm, well rumors had it she's coming here on request"

Just then the bell just rang for beginning of first period and that's when Marc and his friends came in almost followed immediately by the teacher and the class became much quieter.

"See ya later" Gabe said as he patted me on the shoulder I bid him farewell and the rest of my minions too.

"Hey Marco" I said with a smile which he warmly returned.

"Hey, Morning" he said cheerfully.

"Hey Daniel" Addison says dwellings on my name longer.

"Hey Addy" I said with a chuckle.

"No one calls me that" she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well i do now" I said with a smirk.

Which both Jake and Marc tried to hide their laughter and that caught the teachers attention.

"You four over there better stop that noise, this is a warning next time it's detention" Mr. Tom warned us which made some looks come our way which we ignored.

"This isn't over" Allison said quickly before moving her concentration back to the teacher.


"Tomorrow, my Dad's gonna be back and he would like to see you... both of us actually" I said to Marc as we walked up to my car with Addison and Jake a few feet behind.

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