Chapter 60 - Silent Pains And Final Moments (Edited)

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Warning ⚠️:  This chapter contains scenes of Abuse and May not be suitable for all readers

There's a change of POV in this ch

This might also be a very long ch so get your popcorn and soda ready


After the 'talk' - if I should call it that - I had with Blake, he left and I haven't seen him ever since. I don't know what's going on in that head of his but I hope he does the right thing and I get out of here as soon as possible.

Also, I have chosen to be voluntarily held hostage in exchange for my head to not come flying off my body at some point. Fortunately, I wasn't tied up anymore which means my every step is being watched. Not by Harry or Mike, I haven't seen those two ever since the incident and I still feel a little bit of remorse for what I did to Mike. Maybe Blake was right, I was too good even for my own good... if that makes sense.

The new guys watching me aren't that different from Harry or Mike in the sense that they were all big and buff and my chances of even wining a fist fight with them is 0 to none. I told you the odds were against me. I still don't know where my phone was either but that is somewhat the least of my problems right now because I got a chance to text my parents to let them know I'm fine and I got to hear Daniel's voice too, it's sort of a win win. Hopefully not getting grounded for the rest of my life by my parents and hearing the voice of the handsome hot guy I really like.

You might also be wondering why didn't I tell my parents everything that's going on and that I'm kidnapped. Well, you have a point there, I'll give you that but telling them would add to the existing problems they already have going on in their lives right now. I'm also not being beaten to an unconscious state every now and then - although I had a near death experience with a gun three times in recent time. I just have this feeling that I'll get out of this soon, even before the 1 week break I never thought I would spend being held hostage runs out.

This is my chance to be independent. I hope I haven't made the worst mistake in my life.

Surprisingly at night dinner was served to me and it tasted really good. I don't know what it is about buff guys but they can cook really delicious food.

I wasn't allowed to eat the food in the room where I had been in case I tried 'something funny' as one of them had put it. I never bothered having a light conversation or learning their names because they all seemed to be on the verge, on the verge of I don't know what exactly. What I do know is that if they had the opportunity, I would cease existing the very next second.

I was led to a smaller kitchen than the one I was somewhat accustomed to earlier. This one is still luxurious as ever anyways. As I sat down to eat they made it very evident their eyes were on me.

"I've told you guys lots of times already. I'm not gonna try to escape. Can I please just eat my dinner in peace?" I said looking back at them.

That seemed to do the trick as they all gradually went back to minding their business and discussing among themselves but Occasionally their eyes would return back to me. At some point I noticed that similar tattoo on Harry on Mike on almost everyone here and it was located in that same place theirs was. Maybe they were all in a gang or something. I felt tired anyways to be overthinking this right now and so I retired back to bed soon after and slept off almost immediately

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