Chapter 40 - Dusty Secrets (Edited)

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I was planning on making a reveal in this chapter on which male celebrity Marc was but I couldn't think of anyone so y'all are feee to put your imaginations to work 😁


I laid on my bed facing the ceiling and drowning in millions of thoughts.

Now what are these thoughts you may ask?

Well for starters I kissed a boy for the second time and this boy is both my boss and my friend tho more of my friend now.

Are we even friends anymore?

This is way different than Jake and I, then I was drunk and did not feel anything, even afterwards.

But this, this is different, the good kind of different.

I liked the kiss, I wanted more.

But why do I feel this way? I can't even explain what I feel right now.

Oh God, I'm a thinking mess.

Also, I'm scared.

I'm scared of what my parents would say when they found out I liked a boy.

Am I even gay? I like both boys and girls, Bi?

I don't know.

Ever since I got back home yesterday Daniel and I texted lots of times and it wasn't the usual kind of texts.

This one involved sending of heart emojis, flirtatious texts and me smiling like a fool while I read his remarks that had double meanings.

My dad had even caught  me twice smiling like a teenage girl as I texted and he had asked me,

"Who's the girl?"

My heart sank at the thought of telling him it wasn't a girl.

"No one" I replied and ran upstairs to my room while I locked the doors and calmed my heavy breathing.

What does this make us now? Friends with little benefits? Boyfriends?

I chuckled at the thought of calling Daniel My Boyfriend.

I was saved from the thoughts I was drowning in when my phone buzzed by my side telling me I had just received a text.

My heart did that thing where it backflipped because every time I received a text from him that's what it does.

I looked at my illuminated phone screen to see a text from Sophie telling me the Mr. Alfred my boss At Cheetos had called in early for us to come to work.

I groaned audibly and stretched my body on the bed before staying there for five more minutes and then I got up and prepared for work.

It was a Sunday afternoon and I had to prepare myself for a three and a half hours shift at Cheetos and finally spending the rest of the day with Daniel.

I rushed downstairs after a quick shower and stuffed some clothes and books I'll need tomorrow into my bag pack. I changed into my work clothes and I headed straight to the kitchen first to get a few cookies which my mom always made on Sundays, I would munch on them on my way there and also give to Jake because he had offered to take me to work today, for obvious but not obvious reasons.

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