Chapter 18 - Sunday (Edited)

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"...very well Mr. Daniel, I do hope we get to work together on a project someday because your analysis and rundown of the whole software including the marketing schedule is so impressive" I heard one of our new business associates say to Daniel who was radiating with happiness right now as they shook hands, tho I was a little far way from them but the man spoke loud enough for people even 10 feet away to hear him but I pretended not to hear them as I was at the finishing stages of packing the remaining papers on the table where we sat.

Daniel had signed some contracts which he made me sign some too, at first I was unsure if this was part of my job and if I would get fired if Daniel's dad got to find out but he persuaded me either ways allaying my fears too when he said,

"I've started this journey thanks to your help and I don't want you to be on a sidetrack because of my father, it's all okay because I want you to be with me in every step I take..."

I wasn't sure I caught the rest of what he was saying after that part because a feeling grew inside me.... one which I couldn't really put a finger on. I never really imagined a day would come in which I would be signing contracts with big tech companies and stuff and also because I couldn't stop admiring his features as he spoke...  probably more of the latter.

Blake on the other hand kept giving me looks the bad vibe kind of look which I shot back at him with the confidence I never knew I had in me, he even tried to find faults where technically no one else did when Daniel and I spoke but thank the heavens his bad reviews were allayed my even his own company members and we finally got to sign the contract.

I guess getting enrolled into that business school program last summer by my parents as a way for me to be more productive wasn't really a bad idea after all, I thought to myself.

"Come on, Let's go home" Daniel said in a contagious smile.


I was dropped off at my house by one of the drivers with five big shopping bags at each hand, we never actually went shopping tho but these were a surprise he'd said he wanted to give me I was taken aback by this because I practically felt my cheeks turn all sorts of red. At first I refused to collect any of it but after what seemed like 5 minutes of persistent trying to make me see reasons why it's just a random way of saying thank you for your help and it's a normal thing. I gave in but for the record spending over three thousand bucks on a person who you kind of just met is quite out of the ordinary, if you'd ask me and not a normal thing.

I was halfway close to the porch when I heard Mellisa's screaming which was getting closer each passing nanosecond before I could even have the time to think I could see Mellisa and Bryan Running towards me and they all jumped and hugged me like I had gone missing for fifteen years.

"Woah take it easy you two" I said as I dropped the heavy bags I was holding to return the warm hugs back.

"Why are you guys making so much noise-" my mom's sentence died as she opened the door and sighted me she leaned on the doorframe with a warm smile plastered on her face.


I had gotten inside the house but the questions haven't stopped flying my way from Bryan and Mellisa especially Mellisa.

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