Chapter 59 - Old Friends Reuninote, Sort Of (Edited)

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I park my car in one of the available parking spots which surprising isn't filled today and that just adds to my luck of not getting recognized by anyone out here. Well the securities did recognize me but I had to pay them to keep quiet.

Right now it's 2:30pm and I'm at the lake. Actually, I'm close to the lake. There are so many paths people take which will eventually all lead to a large beautiful crystal clear lake. Every time I come here I discover new ones. I collect the briefcase Bryan had given me with the instruction "Do not open". It only made me curious even more as the temptation I had to open it grew. Putting on a face cap and a pair of dark sunglasses - you can never be too careful - I step out my car and lock it.

The air around this place is really cool. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly and I began my journey to an unknown destination. I walk to no where in particular, making sure to stay hidden by the trees as I walk down the very familiar path... I think. A few people were scattered here and there going about their own activities like the picnic gathering I saw not too long ago. They could be tourists judging by the cameras they had hanging down from their necks or locals even.

It reminded me of a time when we would all gather round a large campfire while sitting on logs of wood arranged in a circle and just playing games, telling stories... whatever the heck we did then when we used to come here.

Now you might be asking what happened that I stopped coming here. I stopped coming the year I caught my best friend and girlfriend cheating in front of me. That was last year. I used to come here with Blake and our other friends but after what happened, it just won't feel the same so I stopped.

I can hear more voices of people ahead of me as I walk further into the path while hoping that I'm not lost. I halt my steps for a bit after a few minutes to behold the sight around me and especially the one in front of me.

Nature surrounds me in all its beauty, flowers I have no idea what their names are are scattered in a colorful manner around me giving off this enchanted forest vibes. The birds are tweeting and flying across from tree to tree even the squirrels are tuning up and down with nuts which they'll hide somewhere they would forget. Actually, Around the world, Squirrels unknowingly plant trees whenever they hide most of the nuts they've gathered on the ground and forget them and then nature takes its course from there.

As I take a few steps further, I see families scattered around the lake most are having picnics - well trying to since some of the younger kids are running around - while others are either taking pictures or getting boat rides. It is indeed a wonderful sight to behold.

I would like to bring Marc here. He will definitely like this place and never want to leave. While I was lost in thought about Marc as I sat down on one of the benches that faced the lake, I did not hear the footsteps coming behind me.

"I knew you were smart enough to figure everything out" The very familiar voice spoke causing me to nearly jump out of my body.

I stand up immediately and turn around. I couldn't believe what I saw - I mean I was hoping it would not be true but unfortunately it's who I feared it would be.

"Blake" I say while taking a step back.

"Daniel" He said and took a step forward.

At that moment everything suddenly goes silent and it's just the two of us. No birds chirping, No Squirrels chirping even the sound of the people and children had all faded away.

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