Chapter 53 - "Yes" (Edited)

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"What the fuck does that even mean?" Jake asked.

I shrugged in response.

After the first text, more started coming in every few minutes and Bryan said he could somehow figure out the location of the sender.

"I just hope whosoever is doing this doesn't even touch a strand of hair on Marc" I said as I ran a hand through my hair.

This whole thing made me annoyed, frustrated and scarred at the same time because I can't even help Marc as I though I would, I couldn't even protect him from whosoever is doing all this. They could've gotten me instead and not someone innocent.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Addison who looked exhausted and afraid. I couldn't blame her, we were all tired of this whole thing and can't wait for it to end.

"He'll be okay, we'll find him" she said more to herself than to me and I nodded in response.

"Marc's parents..." was all I could say.

"I called to keep them updated and not worried at all and since we have almost the whole week off from school they're kinda understanding and that gives us more time to get all this figured out" She explained.

"Okay, Thank you" I reply and she smiles sadly before going to sit down with Sophie.

"Have you found anything yet?" I asked Bryan who had my phone connected to some kind of electronic device that was supposed to somehow track down the location of the Private Number.

"Not yet but almost. This person keeps sending texts from different private numbers which is making it hard to pinpoint exactly where they are" Bryan said a bit annoyed at the stress he had to go through right now.

"Different numbers..." I thought to myself. That can't be to just hide their location... could it?

"What are you thinking about?" Bryan asked still focused on the computer.

"Maybe there's a reason for that. What if this is also one of those Morse code stuffs... we have to piece the texts together" I said still deep in thought.

"By the way... why is this person texting you on your personal number? Did you give it to anyone at school or in recent time?" Bryan asked and this time around he looked at me.

"No, I haven't. I know everyone I have ever given it to and... shit"


"Blake is one of them"

"It could be any other person-" Bryan tried reasoning with me.

"No I know him... he's the only one who texts me there... only when it's... important" I said with fear etched in my voice.

I took a pen and started writing down the texts in the order i received them

your time starts now. ***_ _ in the. or else. ._ _._ _ . get omega. _ _ _ _ _ . he dies. bring it. *****

Everyone gathered round to take a look at it but it doesn't quite seem to make sense until...

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