Ballerinas To Showgirls

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"Welcome to Las Vegas, I want to reflect on StarPower last week." Miss Abby tells us, "Some of you did really well-- however as a whole, not so great."

Yeah, everything with the drama between Brandon and Brooke, teenagers. 


Brooke   Nia

Paige   Mackenzie   Melanie   Vivi-Anne

There are four solos, and the group dance. Kenzie and I do nothing again.

Chloe, Paige, Nia, and Brooke are the soloists. Maddie has the week off, and all the older girls are in the group dance. 


"I want more chocolate." I say as I continue eating my sundae.

"Babe, you're the only one that has a sundae for herself." Miss Abby tells me, "I think that's enough."

I keep eating happily but Miss Abby starts talking about dance again. Kenzie and I look at each other, and continue eating after that.

The next days of rehearsal were pretty chill, Kenzie and I would spend our time either watching YouTube, movies, or playing in the pool.

•Competition Day•

"Please welcome to the stage number 488, 'Sinful'." The announcer says and the girls go on stage.

I've been wondering: should I write about this?

You couldn't stand her bliss
You had to do your best to destroy it, turn it all black
You manipulated everyone to put her in a trap

We cheer as they walk off stage, awards, here we come!

"In seventh place, is routine number 488, 'Sinful'."

Or maybe we did not.

Paige's solo was pulled because of the drama, so we still have Chloe, Brooke, and Nia.

"Next we have Brooke with 'Metamorphosis'." The announcer says and Brooke goes on stage.

The costume was weird, and the song makes you want to sleep, but she looked like she was really hurting.

"Now we have Nia with 'Corazón'." The announcer says and Nia goes on stage.

Also great, she looked like if she was really having fun, just like last week. Last solo, Chloe's.

"It's Chloe performing 'Missing You'." The announcer says and Chloe goes on stage.

People need people, we know, it's the same
Here in this garden that's growing everyday



"We will now move to our overall awards." The announcer says, "In third place, entry number 153. That's 'Metamorphosis', Brooke!"

We cheer as Brooke goes receive her award.

"Our first place overall champion, routine 116, 'Golden Chair'."

After that big disappointment of Nia and Chloe not placing, we had to go back to the dressing room.

"I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed in the routines, I'm disappointed in the judging, I'm disappointed in all of you." Miss Abby tells us, "I'm done, I've had it, we're a mess." Mommy starts packing all of our stuff, "Moms, 9:00 am tomorrow, I want them ready. We're gonna do a legs and feet class and a ballet class, and new choreography. Do you understand that, all of you? Step it up."

Miss Abby leaves and soon we all do, Vegas was really a disappointment.

"This week was boring." Kenzie says as Mommy drives.

"We didn't do anything again, just sit around and watch." I agree.

"Is Miss Abby mad at us?" Maddie asks, "Because the only one out of the three of us that performed was me, and I was only in the group dance."

"Who knows." Mommy says, "Do you guys wanna go do something."

"Movies!" Kenzie exclaims.

We went to the movies, and literally forgot that we had class tomorrow, it was just a great time, even if Miss Abby is mad, I don't really. What I do actually care about is where are Vivi and Cathy, did they go back home? What if she wants revenge? Come on, Melanie, what do you mean with revenge? This isn't a movie. What if Cathy comes back? Remember what Kelly told Cathy once? She told her to bring it on. Knowing Cathy, she takes everything a thousand times more serious than she should, she's a choreographer of her own, and she's Cathy, that explains everything. What if Cathy brings it on?

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