Abby vs Kira

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We were all in the ALDC LA parking lot waiting for Abby. I actually just wanted to go home, I became a nervous wreck the second I woke up. I was literally biting my nails. I just couldn't help it, I saw Maddie do it one day and I started doing it, hopefully I'll stop doing it soon though.

"Thanks for defending us last week." Mom says as we wait.

"That's what a team's about." Holly says.

Sadly, they didn't do the same for her when she needed it.

"Abby crossed the line." Kira adds, "We had to put her on her place."

"Agree." Jess agrees with Kira.

"Something I noticed," Mom looks over to Jill, "You didn't say anything."

"I need to do what's the best for my child." Jill shrugs.

Of course she would.

"And what about the other kids?" Jess asks.

"You never help my kid." Jill snaps.

"We always do!" Kira says, "We always help you and you daughter!"

Before the discussion goes any further, Abby opens the door.

"Hello, hello, hello, ladies." Abby opens the door and I hide behind Maddie, "How is everybody, good?"

She looks at Maddie and I and sighs.

"Come on in." She walks inside and Mom looks at me.

"Be careful, and tell me anything she tells you." Mom tells me, "If it has something to do with last week's incident."

I nod and walk inside with the rest of the girls.

I take my street clothes off, revealing my black and yellow dance clothes, and go to pyramid.

The place was actually pretty nice, it still wasn't finished but it looked pretty good so far. 

"We are here because I wanted you to see the progress." Abby starts, "The word on the street is that we'll be here in three weeks."

"That's you word?" Jill asks, "Or, I mean--"

"That's my general contractor's word." Abby answers, "All right, last week, competition, all those studio kids that were in the audience, they needed to see you be absolutely amazing so that they go home and tell their mom and dad, 'I want to go there'."

"They saw." Jill says, "They saw with their own eyes."

"But they didn't win! They were second!" Abby says, "Okay, Mackenzie has an amazing opportunity this week. She is on set filming a Nickelodeon show. Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn."

At least she looks happy. 

"Mackenzie is the last first place winner we have on this team." Abby mentions.

"But, the duet last week won." Mom tells her.

Abby pretends to be surprised, but it's obvious that she said that on purpose. 

"On the bottom of the pyramid." Abby reveals the bottom three headshots, Maddie, Kenzie, and I, and we all have 'PROBATION', written on front, "You are all on probation for what happened last week. Melanie, you were not careful, you went late onstage, and you dared to talk back--"

"But you did ask her a question." Holly interrupts.

"Shush!" Abby demands, " Mackenzie and Maddie, you didn't stand up to your mother and sister, and you just followed them--"

"But they're my family." Maddie defends herself.

"You're just adding fuel to the fire." Abby tells Maddie, "You need to think what comes first, family or dance."

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