No More Crybabies

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"Let me get to pyramid, you know what, Christ-y! Get in here!"

Christy and Sarah enter pyramid and yeah I'm excited about Sarah being with us, but not excited for her mom at all.

"It's not a pyramid, it's a totem pole. In honor of this week's number. On the bottom, we have Nia. Nia? You need to step onstage and become one with the character, could I be right? Maddie can do any face. Next we have Mackenzie. You pull focus because you were up and down before everybody else had a chance to get off the ground. Pulling focus in a negative way is not good. Then we have Kendall."

Why is pyramid so boring?

"And next, we have Melanie. Melanie was part of the winning team, but there were some technical issues we need to fix quickly."


Chloe  Melanie  Tea

Kendall  Mackenzie Nia

"Now, this week we will be traveling to Waterford, Michigan to attend the regional competition for Energy National Dance Competition. Everyone's performance this week will determine if they're on the team for nationals or not. Mackenzie? This week you will be doing a solo. It's a blues number. The name of your routine is 'Out Of My Mind'. My next solo will go to Sarah. You will be competing in the nine and under category. Sarah, you will be doing a lyrical routine. The name of the song is 'On My Own'."

Does that mean that she will be going to the competition on her own? No Christy?

"My next solo will be going to Tea. Yours is a musical theater routine called 'No Crybabies'. My last solo will go to Melanie. It is a lyrical routine called 'Princesses Don't Cry'. This week I'm gonna check out all my little ones. Whoever the losers are  are out of the running for nationals! That is definitive!"

The group routine is called 'Tribal Council' and it is an ethnic piece. 

Competition Day•

"Okay you look beautiful, you look strong, you look beautiful. Nia, this will be your test for Nationals. All right, girls, are you ready? Let's go." Abby says and we go backstage.

"I wish Sarah and Tea could be in the group too." I say.

"Me too." Kenzie adds.

We all do our handshake and wait to go on stage.

"Next up is entry number 68-- please welcome 'Tribal Council'."- The announcer says and we go on stage 

The dance was really fun to do, maybe because we don't really normally do stuff like that. When we finish, we go back to the dressing room and the soloists get ready. 10 minutes later I was practicing my solo, I was already on my solo costume, my hair and makeup were also done. Mom then calls me over to put a tiara that I also had to wear, and yeah, she had to sew it in, but not to my head, I had a headband under, did you think she was about to kill me?

 Mom then calls me over to put a tiara that I also had to wear, and yeah, she had to sew it in, but not to my head, I had a headband under, did you think she was about to kill me?

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