Blame It On The New Girl

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"There's a new girl coming today, and I don't like the sound of that." Maddie says as we stretch on the Dancer's den. 

"I hope she's nice." Kenzie says.

"We probably shouldn't worry about that, Kenz. We should worry about her replacing us." Nia tells Kenzie and she nods.

"But we've won nine competitions in a row, we are the dream team!" Kendall says, trying to light up the mood.

"Remember that she's Abby Lee Miller." Chloe says.

"Yeah, she could kick us out whenever she wants." I add and we chuckle nervously.

"Let's go girls. Come on! Let's go, let's go, let's go. Come on, let's go."

We all line up and the new girl enters, and Abby is strangely nice to her, remember that this is her first day.

"So, Fallon, say hello to the girls." Abby says and Fallon says hi, we all say hi back, "And this is her mother, Cheryl, and they are from, uh, near Orlando, Florida. Can you tell us a few things about yourself?"

"I won four titles, and first overalls for a lot of them." Fallon tells us.

"And you're eleven now?" Abby asks her.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I brought Fallon here, because I'm building a new team. Is she gonna be part of the new team? Is somebody on this team gonna be part of that new team? Kalani's not here this week, not because she's not a great dancer. The problem is the mother. She doesn't understand my rules. So let's talk a little bit of our ninth victory in a row. We are undefeated." Abby says and we all clap, "Nine is nice, but then again, there's ten. Let's get to the pyramid."

I look at the pyramid and smile, hopefully I'm not the last at pyramid this week. Abby reveals the first headshot, that was Kendall's.

"No surprise, Kendall. You're were ninth overall high score, and it's only gonna get tougher out there. Chloe, disappointment in the improv. It's not the same turn combination four times. Next we have Nia. You were the first one of the girls on this team to get booted out of the improv. Don't keep doing the same thing over and over. Next we have Mackenzie. You did a great job on the character. You did more facial expressions than everybody else put together. Next, Melanie. Excellent job on the improv, you were the winner and I loved every second of your performance"


Fallon   Melanie   Mackenzie

Nia   Chloe   Kendall

"This week, we will be traveling to Toledo, Ohio to attend In10sity Dance Competition. And you all know what Ohio means. Rotten Apples. We're gonna have to see that woman again. We're trying to be undefeated ten times in a row. Can you imagine what your life's gonna be like if you don't beat her? You'll all be gonna be doing a group routine, it is called 'Red with Envy'. So Mackenzie and Melanie, this a mature piece, so you could join us for the choreography, but you could miss this dance. Fallon, you're gonna to be doing a solo here with us. Melanie, you're also going to be doing a solo, I want to see how you are doing now that you are recovering. The name of your solo is 'Clarity' and it is contemporary-jazz."

The moms leave, and we start practicing the group dance, and as usual, it is Maddie front and center and us following her.

"We have two more days before we're going for our tenth victory in a row.  Got it? I don't want to lose." Abby tells us and dismisses the rest of the girls, except Fallon and me, "Fallon, I want you to see Melanie perform and then I want her to see you perform."

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