Brynn's Big Moment

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"I'm sorry, I don't have enough bells." I say as I play on my Nintendo 3ds, "Maybe next time."

"Who are you talking to?" Kenzie asks.

"Axel offered me something to buy, but I just used all of my bells to build a bench." I tell her, "A BENCH!"

"That's weird." Kenzie says, "But what's even weirder is that everyone is in a good mood for pyramid."

"I'm sure I fell into an alternate dimension last week." I say as I put the 3ds away in my dance bag, "And that's why everything's calm."

"That makes two of us." Kenzie tells me and we both enter for pyramid.

We stand besides Maddie as Abby starts talking.

"Okay, ladies, congratulations to the group!" Abby exclaims, "The vultures-- They grabbed the prey! They picked them up, they dropped them, like puppies in a field. Pssh! I'm going to do things a little differently. Shall we?" She looks at the pyramid, "At the top of the pyramid, we have Melanie." Everyone claps, "You redeemed yourself, you were first overall, got a perfect score, and made everyone, including me, cry. In a good way."


Maddie   Mackenzie

Brynn   Kalani   Kendall   Nia


"This week, we will be attending Xpressions Dance Competition. Two trios will go up against each other." Abby announces, "As you can all clearly count, there are eight girls."

"That means that there's two girls left out." Jill says.

Abby shrugs, "Brynn, step forward." Brynn takes a step forward, "Brynn, you're going to be a team captain."

"That's strange." Mom comments.

"All right. Maddie, step forward." Maddie takes a step forward, "You are going to be a team captain."

"I have a question." Jill says, "How did you come up with the team captains?"

"Can you just let her have something?" Ashlee asks Jill.

The two of them start arguing.

"Winning solos this season." Abby answers.

"Okay, there you go." Jill finishes as Maddie and Brynn walk over to Abby.

"Melanie." I look at her, "You'll be doing a duet with whoever is left out at the end, all right?" I nod and Abby looks at Brynn, "Brynn, I need your first choice."

"Um." Brynn looks at the girls, "I think I wanna go with Kalani first." Kalani jumps and hugs her as we clap.

"All right? Maddie."

"Uh, Kendall." Maddie answers.


"Kenzie." Brynn answers.

"Ok, I have an idea. Since that all three of us could turn." Maddie tries to sugar coat the situation, "I'm picking JoJo. I'm sorry Nia!"

Nia pretends to be hurt, but I think she actually is.

Still, we both hug, because that means that we'll be doing a duet!

"Abby, if Brynn's trio does well, do you think that we could maybe get an answer as to whether or not she's on the team?"

"Yes!" Abby smiles, "In fact, if Brynn's team wins, she'll be on the team. And if your trio does not win, you might be right back where you started-- In Arizona." She looks back at us, "I want to talk about this group routine. Now, we're trying to kill two birds with one stone. When we do this group routine, we are also going to shoot a commercial here in the studio on Friday. It's a webmercial."

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