Wildly Inappropriate

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"Phoenix was rough, you guys got your butts kicked." Miss Abby starts, "Here in Pittsburgh, you have won everything, but it's clearly a different story when you get in a plane and fly across the country. For years, I took the kids by myself. I made sure the hair was right. I made sure the makeup was right, I put the headpiece on. All the mothers want to go now because they are reliving their childhood through all of you, and that's when the trouble happens."

Mommy puts me down and I sit beside Paige, who puts her arm around me.

"I am the teacher. I am the leader. You do what I say. When your mother's telling you something else to do, that becomes a conflict, do you understand that?"

Miss Abby starts giving corrections to each girl and reveals the pyramid.


 Paige   Chloe

Brooke   Nia   Mackenzie   Melanie

"Okay, the new number will be called 'Electricity'. Everybody say that."


"Maddie," Miss Abby takes Maddie's headshot and looks at her, "Because you were great this weekend, you didn't give me any trouble, your mother didn't give me any trouble, you're gonna be in the front in the center for the beginning of the routine."

Both Maddie and Mommy smile, I guess whatever Miss Abby said is good.

"Everybody's goal should be right here." Miss Abby points at Maddie's headshot on top of the pyramid, "Yes? Okay, two solos will be competing. Maddie, you will be doing one of your solos, and Chloe, you will be doing one of your solos. All right, everybody up, I wanna start with this number." We all start standing up, "Moms, you are dismissed, thanks you."

I leave Studio A with Kenzie and we go to color in our coloring books. After that Kenzie had to leave for a private and I was left alone, so I decided to go to the Dance Jail.

"Hey Melanie." Holly says as I sit beside Mommy and cross my arms.

"What's wrong?" Mommy asks and all the Moms look at me.

"I'm bored." I tell her, "I wanna go home."

"We can't, both of your sisters are in rehearsal." Mommy tells me, "You can play on my phone."

I smile and she gives me her phone, I start playing something while the Moms continue talking.

After a while, we finally leave and go back home. I take a shower, eat a sandwich for dinner, and go to sleep.

•Three Days To Competition•

I was watching as the girls tried on their 'Electricity' costumes. They were kinda weird, but I liked the turquoise!

"Paige, you're next." Nia says and Paige leaves.

"What did the Moms say?" Chloe asks Nia.

"2 and 2." Nia answers, "Kelly and Melissa liked it, but Christi and my mom did not."

"Ugh, I love it." Chloe says.

"Me too." Maddie says, "It looks so cool."

"I think they're weird." Kenzie whispers into my ear and I nod.

After all the costume drama, the older girls go rehearse the group and take an acro class, and Kenzie and Vivi, who arrived a little bit after, are rehearsing their duet. I'm still doing the same thing since yesterday, nothing.

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