¶Chapter six¶

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Seeing Alice in front of his door, Faraan eyes got widened like a saucer in shock. Her lips were curled up in a smirk as her dark grey eyes were never leaving his pale and flabbergasted face. Her straight blonde hair was falling to her shoulders while both hands were tucked in her waist-length brown trench coat. Her milky white face was adorned with freckles her straight pointed nose and pink plump lips.

Even in such a miserable state, Faraan couldn't help but admire that she was still looking so freaking beautiful. She was cladded in a black abaya and golden scarf. He could notice her slightly protruding belly which was surely a baby bump.

"How are you doing, ex-husband?"

He came out of his thoughts when Alice's ironic voice came into his ears. He ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance before looking back at the beauty standing in front of him; who was feeling like a whole nuisance to him right now. It was still a dilemma to him how in this world she got to know about his house when he had never told her. What if someone from his family had seen her coming all the way here? If someone already had, then he was done for.

"Alice what the hell are you doing-"

His yelling stopped when he saw his Dad coming from back with gritted brows. He stood behind Alice and glared at his son while his both fists were curled up. Faraan felt like the air had got sucked from his whole body as he started getting drenched in sweat due to fear of possibly getting exposed.

"Dad, you?" He thought that his meager voice had come from a distance as he spoke.

"That girl is saying she was once your wife and she is pregnant with your child. Is that true?" His father questioned, the frown still present on his face.

Faraan glared at Alice who had a sheepish smirk on her face before heading towards his Dad. It was obvious that the girl was enjoying his state. Faraan took his father's hand in his while looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Dad she is lying. I don't know her. She is fabricating all of this and..."

"Is she fabricating this as well?" His Dad interrupted him and wavered a white piece of paper in front of his eyes. Faraan swallowed a lump in his throat when he realized what this paper was about. It was the marriage certificate of his and Alice.

"This...ths is a trap, Dad."

His father sneered before shoving the phone in his hand to him, "Is this also a trap?

Faraan's breath hitched seeing the pictures of him with Alice on the screen. That girl came with proper planning and he couldn't negate that fact.

"How can you do something like this Faraan?" His father yelled and raised his hand to slap him before Faraan's sight changed altogether.

He abruptly opened his eyes as he found himself drowned in sweat. He looked here and there; from partially open eyes, he could see his faintly blue-painted room. He roamed his eyes to find him laying on his bed. His heart was beating like crazy like it was on a marathon. Faraan sit up and took support from the bed's crown.

Was it a dream? He questioned himself. How horrid yet ridiculous it was!

He licked his dried lips as he threw his head in both hands. That girl proved to be a disaster for him. What if his dream will come true someday? His Dad would not spare a moment to toss him out of the house. He needed to do something really quick. But first, he had to shove away his forced fiance, after that he would think something about Alice.


Ajwa was running a spatula in chicken karahi with one hand while with the other hand, she added sugar to the kheer pot. Today was the day Javaria's fiance's family was coming to their house. Khalid announced a while ago that they would reach in approximately an hour so now she was moving her hands quickly so that the meal could be ready before their arrival.

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