☀️FAJWA Love☀️

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It was more than a month since Eizal's birth. Ajwa was discharged from the hospital the next day. The name of their daughter was chosen by Faris's parents and Ajwa was very relieved to give this responsibility happily to them. She had seen the relations from her father's side dislike both her and her sister just because they were girls. And it was the extreme in her case since everyone was expecting a son. She had seen so much hate for herself that she herself loathed them very vocally unlike her very timid sister.

But here Faris's family was so enthusiastic about that new addition to their family. Especially the way Faris used to get extra excited and possessive of their baby girl. He used to spend time with her and play with her. Even though he used to take care of Eizal in her place in case Ajwa would be sleeping or needed to rest. That was all very different than what she had ever seen in her life. Her father had never given her any love or respect ever. But here, Faris cared for their daughter so much. When she used to cry, he became worried. And Ajwa always had to stifle a laugh at his too much concern.

"Faris, she is a baby. Babies often cry. She just wants attention on herself and children have no other way other than to cry to indicate what they want." She frequently used to say this.

"But I just don't like when she cries. I feel like someone is whacking hammers on my heart with her every sob. I just want to shower her life with everything she wishes for so that my precious daughter will never cry," he replied by this.

Ajwa just used to smile at this while the corners of her eyes became wet. This man definitely never left anyway to not make her fall in love with him. And she was so thankful to Almighty Allah for making Faris her life partner. Even though at that time that decision irked her in the long run, she realized Allah SWT's plan was far superior to what we thought was best for us.

Right now, it was the nighttime. Faris hadn't come back home from his clinic. Ajwa was in the room, trying to help Eizal sleep after feeding her. Her eyes were sleepy as she would sleep anytime soon but for now, she wasn't closing her eyes. Ajwa was slowly patting her stomach. Finally, she slept. Ajwa leaned forward and dropped a kiss on her forehead. She shifted her to her five before placing protective pillows around her small frame. After that, she checked her phone for time.

Minutes later, Faris had arrived in the room. His eyes locked on his beautiful wife and then his sleeping daughter as a satisfied curl struck his lips. Ajwa's too smiled. Faris walked forward and greeted Ajwa with a peck on her lips. Lingering against her mouth a bit, he inhaled in her tempting scent. They still couldn't get enough of one another. Even after a kid, their love was flourishing with each passing moment with more intensity.

Getting away from her, his gaze caught the sight of his daughter. Faris fought an urge to cradle her in his arms and shower her with all the love he had since she was sleeping. Eizal's sleep was very raw just like Ajwa and she only woke up by a mere sound. However, he couldn't stop himself that much as he still kissed Eizal's small temple.

"You get freshened up. I'll set the dinner," Ajwa informed him.

Faris nodded. Ajwa always used to take care of their dinner by herself. That was the time when they had a meal together no matter what. She used to send Khan Baba to his quarter before Faris would be back.

After having a quick shower, Faris came downstairs. In the dining hall, he could see all the tables set with meals. Then Ajwa also came from the kitchen grabbing a jug of cold water.

"What did you decide about your studies then?" Faris asked, taking a spoon of the delicious egg-fried rice she had prepared.

Ajwa had taken a few months' leave from her university since her delivery. Faris had his clinic hence they had to come back to their house shortly after it. Here, they were mostly alone with sometimes Javaria also came to help her. Still, a newborn baby needs full attention from the mother. Ajwa never liked the idea of caretakers for children well and it made a gap between parents and kids. When she got pregnant, it was the last year of her degree and the exams were due at the end of this year. Staying at home, she now still manages to study in her free time. Perhaps she would give her exams like this.

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