¶chapter sixty five¶

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Faraan found himself very indifferent to the whole world these days. He had practically lost interest in everything. In office as well, he couldn't concentrate. He spent most of his time doing what gave him peace now. It was the worship of Allah SWT. He now regularly said the prayers of the five times, recited the Holy Quran and stayed at night for Tahajjud because even his sleep got disturbed.

Perhaps he got a bit selfish and was just doing it for the sake of his own. He has no emotional attachment yet. He just wanted to save himself from the horrible nightmares and restlessness that became an integral part of his life. Something which couldn't let him sleep. Initially, Faraan tried everything to combat that feeling in other ways. Smoking, listening to music, drinking, chatting, and meeting with girls. But nothing helped. That black hole in his heart was just increasing by all those actions.

But when he heard the call to prayer of Fajar constantly for many days then that sermon of Friday that morning and after that, Ajwa reciting the Holy Quran, it all pushed him towards a totally different and divine dimension. His heart, mind, and soul all calmed down. A strange solace filled his whole being. A unique light he found encroaching around himself. It was beautiful, soothing, and put him at ease.

How Merciful Allah SWT is that HE just saw your intention. HE only wanted to see whether you would come towards HIM or not. HE didn't care whether you had been a sinner for all your life. The only thing that mattered was that a single tear or a single plead could become a way for forgiveness in HIS court for you.

However, Faraan was yet to understand this beauty. He was just coming towards that path because that gave him solace, unlike anything. He was still oblivious to the deeper meanings of it. The beauty of religion had pulled him towards it but all for his own reasons right now.

That day, when Faraan reached the mosque for prayer Duhr prayer, a sermon was carried on by the Maulvi Sahab. He often used to give a speech on different topics before the Jummah prayer specifically. Faraan sat in the first row beside Uncle Jaffar who smiled finding him.

Maulvi Sahab started.

"Today we will go through a brief introduction of knowing our religion. Our religion is Islam. We recite in the first kalima that there is no other God but Allah. Muhammad P.B.U.H is the Messenger of Allah. As you can see, the first kalima has two parts that teach us Tauheed and the Oneness of Allah SWT, that we should worship no one but Allah SWT alone. The second part teaches us to believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is the last and the final messenger of Allah SWT. It strengthens our belief in the first pillar of Islam.

Let us understand it a bit more clearly.

Tauheed is the Rooh or Soul of Islam. Allah has created this universe for Tauheed.

I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.” – Surah Zarriyat Ayah 56

The Purpose of our creation is to worship Allah SWT. Ibadat in this worldly life applies to all areas of our life. Most of us just limit this to the external ibadat alone. Whereas the deeper meaning of it is to make every single action the ibadat of Allah. Surrendering to Allah SWT and doing each and every act according to the Shariah of Allah SWT. This is true Ibadat. Now the purpose of the creation of Humans boils down to this one thing. The angels were questioning the creation of another being. They were worried that humans would create fitna on earth and that angels are enough to do Allah’s ibadah.

He created humans different from angels. Human beings were given the power or free will to choose their actions. And now the real test began. We have the choice to recite and implement this Kalima in our lives. And unfortunately, the other choice is also given to us. So it is a big deal for us."

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