☀️His Sunshine ft. FAJWA☀️

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The day had also come when they got blessed with twin baby boys. They were so cute and adorable that Ajwa couldn't take her eyes off them. Eizal was so excited for her younger brothers. When she saw them, her eyes widened in stun.

"Wow. They are like a photocopy of each other," she said with wide open mouth.

Hearing this, Ajwa had laughed loudly while Faris also smiled, kissing Eizal's brown hair.

But behind this smile, Ajwa could see the lurking dismay. Like there was a sad and dark feeling over his heart which was indeed there but it got overwhelmed by the happiness of this blessing and a beautiful family. Since Faris had seen their twins, that was what she had been finding in his behavior. From the outer appearance, he might be looking like the happy and delighted father and husband, but deep inside there was a void. And Ajwa was the only one who could see find this because Faris had masked it up pretty well.

"It will be such fun now. I will tell everyone I have got brothers. I want to hold them, Baba." Eizal turned towards Faris.

Faris patted her cheek tenderly. "Okay then sit on that couch."

Eizal gritted her brows. "But why, Baba?"

Faris bent down to her level. "Because my doll is so small herself and you can't carry your baby brothers while standing."

"Okay," she chimed in excitation and did what her father was asking her to do.

Ajwa smiled at this sight. None could make her happier than seeing Faris cherishing their daughter. He sat beside Eizal and set her both brothers in her arms one by one.

"He has brown hair like me," she murmured, touching the hair of one of the twins.

"Ahh... My finger." Suddenly she yelped in pain. The baby had closed his fist hard on her index finger when she tried to hold his hand. Her parents smiled at this.

"Bad boy," she whispered, putting her finger in her mouth.

Faris pecked her finger instead. "Now you have to bear it, doll. After all, you are the elder sister for them."

Eizal giggled but still put her finger in the baby's hand again because she loved this unique game now.


Unlike the time when Eizal was born, now Khalid had come to the hospital. Nothing had changed in him till yet at all. He was the same proud and brutal as before. Ajwa knew the reason for his arrival was only because of the birth of her sons. If there was another daughter, he wouldn't have bothered again.

Khalid's nose swelled in arrogance seeing his two grandsons. He looked at Ajwa. "Thank God, you didn't disappoint me in this regard as well. I was thinking perhaps you will get this from your mother and will only bear daughters. But wow, you gave birth to two sons at the same time. Finally, I can rest assured that Faris won't leave you because you keep on giving him daughters. I mean, I am amazed how he held back after having his first child a daughter."

Ajwa sat up with difficulty and glared at him. "Faris can give up on his life for our daughter. He treats her as a princess and he isn't that narrow-minded to perceive having daughters as a bad omen. Even if it was twin girls, he would have appeared as the happiest person on this earth."

Khalid smirked. "Well, you should Thank God, that it didn't happen. One can bear birth of one daughter but just like your mother ---"

"Just stop this." Ajwa interrupted him. "If you have nothing good to say, then you can leave. My sons don't need such a welcome from someone who treats their precious sister like this."

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