¶chapter twenty three¶

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Faris walked near the drawing room from where he could hear the faint voices of his father and that friend of Faraan. When he reached his father's house, he found out that Jazib was already there and he was the one who drove his red sports car of Faraan back to their house.

"I know, uncle, I should have stopped him from doing this but at that time, I just got melted away under our years-old friendship. I got swayed away by the weight of favors and help he gave me when I needed an honest person and a supporting shoulder in my life. I couldn't stop him when he said he wanted to make himself stand on his own feet. I know I shouldn't be saying it but I will still say it because Faraan is the most genuine person I have ever met. Uncle, his way might be wrong but his intentions aren't. Please forgive him."

"You just say what you are here for. Then please leave now. I will never forgive a person who didn't think once before leaving his father in darkness. I can never!" That was the grim voice of his father.

"I can completely understand you uncle and I won't-" Faraan's friend was still speaking when Faris couldn't control himself anymore and knocked on the door. After that, he pushed it open.

His Dad's face was worn and tired with his grey hair messily scattered around. On the other hand, the other one was considerably refreshed with a fair skin tone having a small beard. He was a moderately heightened guy definitely shorter than him with raven black hair. Dressed up in a plain blue shirt with a grey coat and pants, he seemed like coming from his work.

He had never seen this guy before but the way the brightness in his eyes increased and his lips spread from a thin line, he kind of got to make a rough idea that he might have heard about him from Faraan. He stood up from the sofa.

"Oh, Assalam o Alaikum!" Faraan's friend quickly greeted them while bringing a small smile to his lips.

"Walaikum Assalam...You are that friend Jazib?" He asked.

The guy nodded.

"Have a seat. Let's talk," Faris mumbled.

"Sure," Faraan's friend replied.

"I don't know if you know me or not but I am Jazib, Faraan's college friend," Jazib started.

"So you were the last person my brother met before leaving?" Faris turned his eyes to him and questioned him.

"He called me to come to the airport. When I reached there, he gave me a letter and asked me to get his car back to his house," he completed with a small shrug of his shoulder.

Faris raised a brow. "So you were the person who placed that letter in his room?"

"Yes. I came to his wedding disguised as a guest and somehow sneaked into his room that night. "

Faris shook his head. Such a childish move from his brother. "Do you know where he is now?"

"He has left for England using the money which I transferred to his account a month ago," Burak replied instead, one hand of his place on his forehead.

Faris's jaw clenched on this. He knew that this money was given by his father to Faraan and the talks of Faraan's marriage and honeymoon plan made him suddenly remember Ajwa.

"Jazib, are you still in contact with Faraan?" He turned towards the guy now. This was very important to know whether his twin was doing well or not. Whatever the situation had become, Faraan was his dear brother and he wanted to get assured that he was safe and sound wherever he was living.

"No, we last talked a week ago almost over the phone. He said he got a job offer from some English company and that was one of the reasons he left Pakistan. After that, his Pakistani sim got blocked. Perhaps he really reached England," he mumbled.

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