Miracle 1.1

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It was a beautiful sunny day. It was neither too hot nor too cold. Perfect for fishing. I and my husband Murtaza loved fishing. We sometimes spent our whole day at the sea, enjoying the beautiful waves of water going up and down and of course, devouring delicious fish which we hunted and then cooked at the seaside.

Murtaza and I were newlyweds. Only been married for six months as of now. And we were living a perfect life together as we got united in this pure bond out of love.

It was one such day. I and my husband decided to go to fishing again. Mostly the hunting was done by Murtaza while we cooked it together later on. Sometimes we took Murtaza's parents and little siblings with us as well. But today it was just two of us. As I was enjoying soft rays of sunlight on my body and Murtaza was trying to catch a fish, I heard his scream. My eyes fluttered open as I looked at him in horror as he pulled back from the bank of the river like he had gotten current whacked in his body.

"What's wrong?" I asked in worry as I walked over to him.

"Hani, that...that...oh my God," he whispered as his eyes popped out in horror.

When I followed where he was looking at, my reaction was not any different from him. Instead, it was intense as I screamed.

The scene we saw was incredible and gruesome at the same time. On the bank of the sea, a creature was seen. And this looked very much similar to a human. A baby. A neonate baby. A baby is wrapped in its mother's membrane. I didn't know if it was still alive or not. But it was moving like a piece of paper on the sea.

I held my husband's hand. "Murtaza, what it is?"

"I don't know. A dead baby maybe. Perhaps someone had thrown away it here. Let's... let us go Hani." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

I nodded stiffly and my husband led me towards the area where our car was present. Maybe after seeing it, we would never return to this place ever. We were still halfway when the cry of the baby caught our attention. I exchanged a terrified glance with my husband as we paused. We both turned around and as we both were expecting and not expecting at the same time, the voice was from that same covered-laden baby. How did it survive in such a state?

I didn't know what happened to me but I freed myself from my husband's hold and ran towards the bank again.

"Hania, what are you doing?"  My husband yelled, confused over my sudden act.

Scrutinizing the thing again, it became confirmed that the baby was alive. However, what was in front of our eyes was more shocking and jaw-dropping. The baby wasn't alone. Its mother was very near to it. Above her body, there was a whorl of blood. The baby was delivered while the mother was in the water.

"Murtaza...the woman and the baby..." I uttered in a clutter. 

Murtaza held the woman in his arms and brought her out of the water. There was a blood-stained wound over her chest. She was perhaps murdered by someone. Or maybe shot herself and then fell in the sea. I pulled the baby instead. It was covered in blood yet breath was running, pulse was being felt and heart was beating. There was a green colored necklace wrapped around its right wrist.

Murtaza checked the pulse of the woman but unfortunately, she was dead already. We tried to do CPR but all in vain. She had lost her life after giving a life to her baby.

Maybe it was a miracle that I was seeing with my own eyes today.

"Murtaza, the...the baby is alive," I whispered.

"So what? Leave it. We don't know where it came from. Who threw it here," he argued.

"We can't leave them both like this. What are you saying? We need to get him to hospital. The mother maybe won't survive but the baby is alive and we can save its life," I said.

Murtaza shook his head. "Are you out of your mind? We can't indulge ourselves in this matter. It must be done by a criminal. We will be portrayed as one if we bring him anywhere with us."

"It seems like a newborn. That membrane. Look at it. It is crying and it's alive. Don't ignore it, Murtaza, please. It will die like this." I didn't know why my eyes teared up.

My constant insistence, Murtaza's own kind nature, and the whines of the baby forced us to carry it with us. We tried to find anyone near it, but there was none. As we took both mother and baby to the hospital, the doctors did a medical examination of the baby. While they labeled the mother as dead already.

It was revealed to be a baby girl. And it was indeed a newborn. Its life was still out of understanding that how it survived such long after staying away from its mother. The doctor involved the police too. We told them everything we knew and the case was being made as perhaps the helpless mother had left her baby like this or some other crime must have taken place.

The baby was given to some medical center by the police. But the attachment I got from it, couldn't let me live peacefully anymore. Its dramatic and miraculous happening still made me amazed and appalled at the same time. A mother who didn't care for her life to save her child. I was feeling so weird and unusual. It was such a great yet sad thing.

I told my wish of bringing the baby back to my husband who agreed after a while. In a few months, I and Murtaza had to leave for abroad permanently as he had used the live there and only came to Pakistan for the marriage. There was no one in my inlaws except a married sister of Murtaza.  I myself had one brother and my mother.

The case of the murder wasn't settling hence police decided to close it. After a few pieces of paperwork, we got the custody of the baby due to our links. I immediately named her Mastoorah. Because I found her being covered, and hidden when I first saw her. She was a cute baby having beautiful features.

As of now, eight years have passed since that happened. Mastoorah was right now while I myself got blessed with two kids.

Mastoorah was a kid who always gave me unusual vibes. Like she knew more than the children of her age should know. I deliberately told her every happening. I didn't force her to call me Mama. I told her I was her Aunt and that her real mother was a very great woman who sacrificed her own life to give one to her. She was a shy, nice, simple, and polite girl. And sometimes I thought I was missing many things about her.

And she was the living definition of Mastoorah; modest.


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

That's a part 2 of Miracle.

And as you can see, that's like a miracle.

How Mastoorah was born, it's a rare condition named as En Caul baby where a baby has its mother's membrane covered over it.

I hope you liked it.

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Till next one, Allah Hafiz/ Bye. ❤❤

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