Miracle 1.5

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Life was like a whirlwind. It didn't wait for you. It just passed and you just acted like a passenger running towards his destination and a bird moving in the air. If you had clear motives in mind then it would be worthwhile for you. But if you were just living it for the sake of it, it would be difficult for you. And the worst was if you had vile intentions, it would behave like a poisonous snake in the end for you.

I also suffered from the latter one but what happened after that, was something that I thought of as a Miracle. I only once asked Allah SWT to give me Hidayat when I heard the sermon of Jummah. Maybe that was what came purely from my heart because I was scared from my nightmares and anxious due to Maryam coming into my dreams, crying and angry at me.

It had been fifteen years. Wasn't it too early as far as numbers were concerned? I felt like a whole century had been passed already. I learned so many things here. I discarded so many things here. I bore many things yet I acknowledged many things here.

Only one thing was in my heart and that was my Allah SWT's remembrance and the love for HIS Prophet (P.B.U.H).

That was a hot day in lock-up. I was sitting near the cracked wall having the Blessed Quran Pak in my hands. I had completed the whole Quran many times already and four times, I read the translated version. The notes I used to make of what I gathered from various surahs were still like a beloved possession near me which I would always cherish.

Right now I was reciting Surah Inshirah in a slow voice. In the beginning, many prisoners and officers used to mock and make fun of me for portraying me as God-fearing and pious when I myself had done so many sins, killed my own wife and my unborn child, and included my brother in my sins. However now it ended completely.

Faris had come to meet me at least fifteen years back. That was just the first and last. After that, he never reached me. But the smile he gave me and the dua of blessing made it evident he somehow forgave me. Even I knew my brother. He was one of a kind who would never hold grudges against anyone. He was a nice soul who always loved me but what I did with him was beyond terrible.

Sometimes I got reminded of how I had hurt Faris's wife and her sister because of how twisted I was. I considered people tissue paper and only knew to use them and then dump them. Many times, I wished I would get a chance to ask forgiveness from these two.

And then Maryam. I was such a horrible person who killed a human being, the girl I loved was far-fetched. And then my own unborn child. My daughter. My blood. My flesh. Who could kill their own kid like that in the womb? I did and that was still something that was keeping me on edge due to how guilty I was still feeling.

Sometimes I wished I would get a chance to ask for forgiveness from that innocent, unborn child too. Death was painful and a death while still being in a mother's womb was might be more deadly. And she got it from me. Her own father had killed her. How bad of a person I was. I definitely didn't deserve to be called a human.

Taking a calm breath, I reverted my attention back to my recitation. When I was done, an inspector came near to the lock-up.

"Come out. You are free now. Your punishment is over," he announced.

And there was nothing I felt. Not any happiness, not any sorrow. But a lurking fear and worry. I felt like I wasn't coming out of jail. I was coming out of the womb as a completely newborn person.

I was not the Faraan who was roaming freely fifteen years ago. I was changed now and I had to live true to what I cultivated in this time period.

فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا ٥

So, surely with hardship comes ease.

إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًۭا ٦

Surely with that hardship comes more ease.1
فَإِذَا فَرَغْتَ فَٱنصَبْ ٧

So once you have fulfilled your duty˺, strive in devotion˺,

وَإِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ فَٱرْغَب ٨

turning to your Lord ˹alone˺ with hope.


Many days had passed since I came back home. Mom and Dad accepted me with love. Mom especially got amazed and happy at my newly found appearance and light. I had a long beard reaching my mid-sternum now. And a round white cap always adorned my head. Faris and his family still hadn't come here. I got to learn from Mom that Faris was blessed with two twin sons and a daughter. When the mention of his daughter had made me recall my own sin which caused my daughter to die. The twins made me remember Faris and me. How I was so horrible and did so bad to him.

And I was maybe relieved by the fact that he didn't come here. I did so many sins and bad things to appear in front of them again.

That was one day when I just woke up from a nap as the called to prayer said the prayer of Asr. Dad had called me today there was going to be a milad and a religious gathering after Asr so I should also be there. I headed towards the mosque. I wished to see Uncle Jaffer again. After namaz, I came back to the house and what I found amazed me.

It was a religious gathering of men and women together in our garden. The voice of the person reciting Naat was so beautiful that I felt mesmerized. My Dad was present on stage. And then my eyes fled towards the owner of that voice. It was a young girl. Probably just fourteen or fifteen. Or a year older than that. She had a fresh cute face and she resembled her.

Every feature of hers paralleled her. Her big doe blue eyes, her high cheekbones. Everything. And then that necklace on her throat. My eyes widened in shock.

'That's for you, love," I murmured, giving a necklace having a blue pendant to her.

Her shiny eyes brightened more. "For me?"

I nodded and then made her wear it. "Beautiful."

The same necklace. I could even recall it after decades.

"Alice," I whispered.


AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

So here's the last part of Miracle with Faraan's come back.

I hope you liked it.

So Faraan has met his daughter and thought of her similar to Alice.

What do you think will happen now?

We will see a bit more detailed version of this story in Forbidden.

So I will meet you there now.

Till next one, Allah Hafiz/ Bye.  💘💘

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